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当前位置: 首页出版图书工具书标准规范2003中国航运发展报告



定 价:¥200.00

作 者: 中华人民共和国交通部 编
出版社: 人民交通出版社
标 签: 标准


ISBN: 9787114053320 出版时间: 2004-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 99 字数:  






Chapter 1 An Overview of Chinese Shipping——A Review of 2003 and a Preview of 2004
1.1 China's Waterway Transport in 2003
1.2 Waterway Infrastructure Construction in China in 2003
1.3 The Chinese Fleet
1.4 Shipping to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Regions
1.5 WTO and the Opening up of China's Shipping Industry
1.6 Administration and Legislation in Chinese Shipping
1.7 The Outlook for China's Shipping Development and an Outline for its Development in 2004
Chapter 2 International Shipping
2. 1 China's Foreign Trade Transport
2.2 World Bulk Cargo Transport Market in 2003
2.3 China's International Shipping Companies and Fleets
2.4 China's International Shipping Administration in 2003
2.5 China's Implementation of the ISPS Code
Chapter 3 Domestic Shipping
3.1 Coastal and Inland Waterway Transport
3.2 Major Bulk Cargo Transport
3.3 Transport of Liquid Chemicals and Ro/Ro Carrier
3.4 Passenger Transport
3.5 Domestic Shipping Companies and Fleets
3.6 Domestic Shipping Administration
3.7 Domestic Shipping Safety and Administration
3.8 Domestic Shipping Prospects
Chapter 4 Container Transport
4. 1 Throughput of China's Container Ports
4. 2 China's Foreign-Trade Container Transport Market
4. 3 China's International Liner Companies
4.4 China's Domestic Feeder Transport Market
4.5 China's Domestic Container Transport Market
4.6 Overview of World Container Transport Market
4.7 Administration and Policies of Container Transport
Chapter 5 Maritime Transport Auxiliary Service and Logistic Service
5. 1 International Shipping Agency Services
5.2 Tally Services for International Trade
5.3 Pilotage Service
5.4 Logistics Service
Chapter 6 Port Service
6. 1 Service at China's Ports in 2003
6. 2 China's Port Administration and Policies in 2003
6. 3 Main Tasks of China's Port Administration in 2004
Chapter 7 Construction and Administration of Waterway Transport Infrastructure
7. 1 China's Port Construction in 2003
7.2 Main Features of Waterway Construction in 2003
7.3 Progress in Coastal Port Construction in the Middle of the" 10th Five-year Plan"
7.4 Construction and Administration of Inland Waterways in 2003
7.5 Prospects for Construction and Administration of Ports and Fairways
Chapter 8 Port Safety and Security
8. 1 Safety Issues
8.2 Security Issues
8.3 Prospects for China to Implement the Conventions in 2004
Box 1.1 Implementing Party Central Committee's Instructions to Accelerate Port Construction
Box 1.2 Promulgation and Implementation of the Port Law
Box 2. 1 2003 World Merchant Fleet
Box 2. 2 China's Regulations Governing International Shipping Operations
Box 2. 3 The New China-US Agreement on Maritime Transport
Box 2.4 CEPA Transport Service Commitments Between the Mainland and Hong Kong
Box 3.1 The "Cruiser Economy" Program in Shanghai
Box 3.2 Vessel Standardization on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal
