Welcome to the world of telephony and telecommunications! We areabout to embark on a descriptive and narrative overview of the telecom-munications industry. This book is designed to help clear the air for you.One of the major problems with this technology and industry is the useof jargon, or 'telephonese,' which causes confusion and misunderstandingin the industry for users, purchasers, and vendors alike Even professionalswho have been in the industry for years can have difficulty communicat-ing The reason is simple: too many acronyms are used, many with multi-ple meanings An acronym will mean one thing to a voice telephonyperson and something completely different to an engineer who has 20years of experience Your rule of thumb therefore, should be to disallow the use of telecom-munications acronyms in any discussions you have with any vendor, car-ries or end user. If the propensity exists for these people to use terms andacronyms, call a time-ouc Have them explain all the alphabet soup theyare using. You may be surprised to find out that they can't explain theacronyms This will obviously cause you some concern, but fear not; thesefolks will ultimately get to the point. Furthermore, since they won't beusing all those buzzwords, communications should flow more smoothly. Now that the stage is set, let's get into a basic discussion of telephonyand telecommunications principles. No magic exists here, merely anunderstanding of what telecommunications is all about: the principles ofa telephone, the line connections employed, the forms of communica-tions used, and an understanding of the telephone company networks.We intend to make .things as simple as possible as we cover the varioustechniques and terminology used throughout this book. Be aware, how-eves that no matter how simple we attempt to make this information andno matter how smoothly we attempt to steer you through the guides out-lined, this is a technical subject. Therefore, from time to time we may startsounding a little 'techie' This is not done to impress or confuse you—wejust cannot think of a way to make our explanation any more basic with-out destroying the flow. At any rate, this book is designed to give you afundamental understanding of the overall concepts used in the telecom-munications arena, both voice and data.