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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语读物新视野大学英语语篇分析与表达



定 价:¥23.90

作 者: 方晓梅 等编
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
标 签: 专业英语

ISBN: 9787560050386 出版时间: 2005-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 280 字数:  


  《新视野大学英语:语篇分析与表达》的撰写基于以下思路:通过科学的语言教学方法将学生的语言习得有效地转换成语言能力。《新视野大学英语:语篇分析与表达》与《新视野大学英语 读写教程》及《新视野大学英语 听说教程》一起形成了在同一内容、同一体裁基础上的听、说、读、写、译互动的完整的英语课堂教学体系。主要特色:以结构分析的方式使学生从语篇的高度理解文章;以浅显的语言深层次地分析文章的背景、写作方法与技巧、内在寓意等;以重点词和问题引发课堂讨论;以范文为例指导学生拟写段落主题句并扩展成文。




Book One
Unit 1
Section A: Learning a Foreign Language
Section B: Keys to Successful Online Learning
Unit 2
Section A: A Busy Weekday Morning
Section B: Parent Talk
Unit 3
Section A: A Good Heart to Lean On
Section B: The Right Son at the Right Time
Unit 4
Section A: How to Make a Good Impression
Section B: Body Language
Unit 5
Section A: The Battle Against AIDS
Section B: The Last Dive at the Olympics
Unit 6
Section A: The Widow
Section B: The Trashman
Unit 7
Section A: Face to Face with Guns
Section B: Should I Have a Gun?
Unit 8
Section A: Birth of Bright Ideas
Section B: Ways of Increasing Creativity
Unit 9
Section A: Looking to the 21st Century
Section B: Trends for the 21st Century
Unit 10
Section A: Being Honest and Open
Section B: Web Site Resources: The Best Aid for Cheating?
Book Two
Unit 1
Section A: Time-Conscious Americans
Section B: Culture Shock
Unit 2
Section A: Environmental Protection Throughout the World
Section B: Green Spaces in Cities
Unit 3
Section A: Marriage Across the Nations
Section B: Rich Meeting His Future Mother-In-Law
Unit 4
Section A: Studying Abroad
Section B: Experiences in Exile
Unit 5
Section A: Weeping for My Smoking Daughter
Section B: Stop Spoiling Your Children
Unit 6
Section A: As His Name Is, So Is He!
Section B: Judge by Appearances
Unit 7
Section A: Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life
Section B: Are You a Workaholic?
Unit 8
Section A: There's a Lot More to Life than a Job
Section B: What Youngsters Expect in Life
Unit 9
Section A: Stop Brain Drain
Section B: Borderline Ridiculousness
Unit 10
Section A: Reports on Britain Under the Bombs
Section B: Forty-Three Seconds over Hiroshima
Book Three
Unit 1
Section A: The Expensive Fantasy of Lord Williams
Section B: The Romantic Life of Secret Agent Albert
Unit 2
Section A: Iron and the Effects of Exercise
Section B: Does Exercise Have Unexpected Benefits?
Unit 3
Section A: Where Principles Come First
Section B: Cultural Differences in Westem and Japanese Decision-Making
Unit 4
Section A: Five Famous Symbols of American Culture
Section B: Engelbreit's the Name, Cute Is My Game
Unit 5
Section A: Graceful Hands
Section B: Decisions of the Heart
Unit 6
Section A: How to Prepare for Earthquakes
Section B: Changes in the Balance of Nature
Unit 7
Section A: A Rose Is a Rose
Section B: The Chunnel
Unit 8
Section A: Legal and Moral Implications of Cloning
Section B: Who Will Take Advantage of Human Cloning
Unit 9
Section A: Premarital Agreements
Section B: Is the Traditional Family Structure at Risk?
Unit 10
Section A: The Bermuda Triangle Phenomenon
Section B: The Ride of My Life
Book Four
Unit 1
Section A: The Temptation of a Respectable Woman
Section B: The Obligations and Responsibilities to Marriage
Unit 2
Section A: Charlie Chaplin
Section B: The Political Career of a Female Politician
Unit 3
Section A: Longing for a New Welfare System
Section B: A Blind Man Helped Me See the Beautiful World
Unit 4
Section A: The Telecommunications Revolution
Section B: The Information Superhighway
Unit 5
Section A: Choose to Be Alone on Purpose
Section B: Roommate Conflicts
Unit 6
Section A: Bribery and Business Ethics
Section B: The Biggest Threat to the Role of Police Officers
Unit 7
Section A: Research into Population Genetics
Section B: Geniuses and Better Parenting
Unit 8
Section A: Slavery Gave Me Nothing to Lose
Section B: Why Are Women Afraid of Wrinkles
Unit 9
Section A: Make Euro Disney More European
Section B: Not to Expect Profits Soon from Euro Disney
Unit 10
Section A: How to Cultivate "EQ"
Section B: EQ Plays a Role in Personal Success
