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线虫学:进展和前景(卷2 Nematode Management)

线虫学:进展和前景(卷2 Nematode Management)

定 价:¥120.00

作 者: (美)陈忠孝
出版社: 清华大学出版社
标 签: 医用生物学


ISBN: 9787302068174 出版时间: 2004-09-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 32开 页数: 1234 字数:  




暂缺《线虫学:进展和前景(卷2 Nematode Management)》作者简介


13 Plant Diseases Caused by Nematodes
13.1 Introduction
13.2 The Development of Nematology and Recognition of its Economic lmportance
13.3 The Nature of Disease
13.4 Plant Diseases Caused by Nematodes
13.5 Root Gall Forming Species
13.6 Species that Cause Gall and Lesion Formation on Stems,Leaves,and Seeds
14 Virus Vectors
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Historical Background
14.3 The Vector Nematodes and Their Feeding Processes
14.4 The Nematode-transmitted Viruses
14.5 Transmission Crteria and Procedures
14.6 Vector and Virus Associations
14.7 Geographical Distribution
14.8 Persistence of Nematode Populations and Viruses
14.9 Virus and Vector lnteractions
14.10 Vector-virus lnteractions lnvolved in Vector
15 Physiological lnteractions between Nematodes and Their Host Plants
16 Taxonomy of lnsect Parasitic Nematodes
17 Resistance to Plant-parasitic Nematodes
18 Crop Rotation and Other Cultural Practices
19 Use of Antagonistic Plants and Natural Products
20 Biological Control of Nematodes by Fungal Antagonists
21 Biological Control of Nematodes with Bacterial
22 Biological Control of lnsects and 0ther lnvertebrates
23 Cost-benefits of Nematode Management through Regulatory Programs
24 Nematicides:Past and Present Uses
25 lrradiation Effects on Plant-parasitic Nematodes
