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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语词汇/语法/阅读汤姆森三维英语语法第三册练习册



定 价:¥15.00

作 者: DianeLarseen-Freeman
出版社: 机械工业出版社
丛编项: 华章英语系列教材
标 签: 英语语法

ISBN: 9787111099925 出版时间: 2002-07-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 小16开 页数: 179 字数:  


  ·练习每一种语法结构的形式、意义和运用·情境化和“亲读者”的语法解释有助于学生理解英文·题材丰富的交流活动帮助学生练习语法,学会流畅沟通,学会自我表达,从而展现自己的个性·引人入胜的听力活动加深学生对英语语法结构的理解·练习册中大量习题可应对TOEFL考试·教师用书内含习题答案,测验,听力原文,并有由浅入深的教学活动建议·光盘提供500个活动,以及帮助学生掌握语法结构的更多练习Diane Larsen-Freeman,Gene Parulis:Grammar Dimensions,Workbook4 Copyright @ 2000 by Heinle & Heinle,a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved. Authorized Bilingual Edition by Thomson Learning and CMP.No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Thomson Learning and CMP.




UNIT 1 Overview of the English Verb System:Time and Tense
UNIT 2 Overview of the English Verb System:Aspect
UNIT 3 Adverbial Phrases and Clauses
UNIT 4 Passive Verbs Exercises for the TOEFL Test,Units1-4
UNIT 5 One-Word and Phrasal Modals
UNIT 6 Infinitives
UNIT 7 Gerunds
Exercises for the TOEFL Test,Units5-7
UNIT 8 Statements of Degree:Intensifiers and Degree Complements
UNIT 9 Modifying Noun Phrases:Adjectives and Participles
UNIT 10 Comparatives
Exercises for the TOEFL Test,Units8-10
UNIT 11 Connectors
UNIT 12 Relative Clauses
Exercises for the TOEFL Test,Units11-12
UNIT 13 Using Present Time
UNIT 14 Present Perfect:Describing Past Events in Relation to the Present
UNIT 15 Future Time:Using Present Tenses,Using Will Versus Going To Versus,Adverbial Clauses in Future
Exercises for the TOEFL Test,Units13-15
UNIT 16 Modals of Prediction and Inference
UNIT 17 Hypotheticas Statements
UNIT 18 Sensory Verbs,Causative Verbs,and Verbs That Take Subjunctive
Exercises for the TOEFL Test,Units16-18
UNIT 19 Articles in Discourse
UNIT 20 Demonstratives in Discourse
Exercises for the TOEFL Test,Units19-20
UNIT 21 Possessives
UNIT 22 Quantifiers and Collective Nouns
Exercises for the TOEFL Test,Units21-22
UNIT 23 Past Time Frame:Using Adverbs and Aspect to Indicate Time Relaionships
UNIT 24 Modals in Past Time
UNIT 25 Reported Speech
Exercises for the TOEFL Test,Units23-25
