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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科社会科学信息与知识传播中国传播论坛:中国电视剧传播(2002)



定 价:¥38.00

作 者: 曾庆瑞
出版社: 北京广播学院出版社
标 签: 电视


ISBN: 9787810852005 出版时间: 2003-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 319 字数:  






目 录 Table of Contents 开幕辞/苏志武 1
Opening Speech/Su Zhiwu 在伟大的时代加强中国电视剧理论研究/仲呈祥 4
Strengthening the Study of the Chinese TV Play in the Great Age/Zhong Chengxiang 立足中国,面向世界,把中国电视业做大做强/杨伟光 7
Enlarging the Chinese Television Industry/Yang Weiguang 先进文化与电视剧艺术/梁光弟 12
Advanced Culture and the Arts of TV Play/Liang Guangdi 电视剧要为发展先进文化做贡献/唐正柱 18
TV Plays Contribution to the Advanced Culture/Tang Zhengzhu 关于电视剧发展的四点想法/李兴叶 22
Four Points on TV Plays Development/Li Xingye 主旋律电视剧审美化刍议/王伟国 25
On the Aesthetics of the Central Themed TV Play/Wang Weiguo 主旋律电视剧与先进文化的建设/刘晔原 32
 Central Themed TV Play and the Advanced Culture/Liu Yeyuan 民族精神——中国电视剧之魂/王 敏 35 National Spirit: the Soul of the the Chinese TV Play/Wang Min 扎根于民族文化沃土,向生活汲取营养 ——电视剧创作谈/邬二田 38
Stemming from the National Culture and Life: about the TV Play Production/Wu Ertian 电视艺术也要打“民族牌"/朱辉军 41
On the National Brand of TV Arts/Zhu Huijun 略论中国电视剧文化生态的再整合/黄式宪 46
Re-integration of the Chinese TV Plays Cultural Ecology/Huang Shixian 论电视文化批评/曲春景 55 On the TV Cultural Criticism/Qu Chunjing 对电视剧的本性再认识/张仲年 62
Re-understanding of the Nature of TV Play/Zhang Zhongnian 关于提升国产电视剧的美誉度的思考/康 尔 76 Promoting the Prestige of the Mainland TV Play/Kang Er 电视剧的家庭化观赏特征与其文化艺术选择——大众文化时代中国电视剧的文化价值取向略论/郝一民 81
TV Plays Traits of Family Appreciation and its Aesthetic Choice/Hao Yimin “古装戏”里的“戏"/张德祥 87 The Play in the Ancient-Costumed TV Play/Zhang Dexiang 论电视剧中的日常生活/马相武 92
The Presentation of Daily Life in TV Play/Ma Xiangwu 灼照心灵的畸变与救赎 ——论当代长篇电视剧对心理问题的关注/周安华 穆 昕 98
Distortion and Rescue: the Serials Attention on Psychology/Zhou Anhua,Mu Xin近年来电视剧创作的特点及有关思考/唐 海 104
Analysis and Thoughts on the TV Play Production in the Recent Years/Tang Hai论西部电视剧的命名、书写与传播生态及其思考/侯 洪 孙 莉 谭俐莎 108
The Denomination, Narration and Communication Ecology of the Western Areas TV Play/Hou Hong, Sun Li, Tan Lisha 论国产电视剧的民族叙事策略/韩 莓 121
The National Narrating Strategy of the Mainland TV Play/Han Mei 历史题材电视剧的文化价值取向/吴素玲 126
Historical TV Plays Orientation of Value/Wu Suling 从电视剧的播出探求与受众群体的关系/刘大敏 132 Relationship Between TV Play and the Audience from the Viewpoint of the Transmission/Liu Damin 电视剧传播与频道专业化/闫忠军 139
TV Play Communication and the Specialization of Channels/Yan Zhongjun 引进为了创造 ——中央电视台国际部译制影视剧实践探微/张子扬 144
Import for Creation: about the CCTVs Practice of the Translated TV Play/Zhang Ziyang 浅谈主旋律电视剧的创作/解 芳 150
On the Production of the Central Themed TV Play/Xie Fang 中国电视剧要有全球意识/彭 俐 154
The Sense of Globalization of the Chinese TV Play/Peng Li 全球化形势下中国历史剧的定位和走向/刘丽文 161
The Position and Trends of the Chinese TV Play in the Background of Globalization/Liu Liwen 入世背景下中国电视剧艺术现实与发展问题思考/周 星 167
The Chinese TV Plays Artistic Reality and Development in the Context of WTO/Zhou Xing 略论电视剧繁荣的市场环境/陆 地 175
On the Market Environment of TV Play/Lu Di 电视剧的生命与艺术内涵/黄会林 179
TV Plays Vitality and Artistic Connotation/Huang Huilin 以女性视角寻找和阐释历史—女性主义对李少红历史题材电视剧创作的影响/段风华 183
Searching and Interpreting History from Womans Angle: about Li Shaohongs Historical TV Play/Duan Fenghua 刍论中国电视剧节目供应市场研究的理论建模/刘 军 194
A Theoretical Model of the Chinese TV Plays Supplying Market/Liu Jun 寻找失落的镜头感 ——论电视剧视听语言的失落与回归/吴三军 202
Lost and Regaining of TV Plays Visual and Audio Language/Wu Sanjun 略论电视剧收视率与艺术审美价值的关系/陈友军 210
The Relationship Between Audience Rate and Aesthetic Value of TV Play/Chen Youjun中国电视剧的市场运作及产业化趋势/张 婷 218
The Chinese TV Plays Trends of Market Managing and Industrialization/Zhang Ting邂逅的可能与欲望的谎言 ——对《致命邂逅》的一种解读/刘 宏 223
Possibility of Encounter and Lie of Desire: Reading of Deadly Encounter/Liu Hong 对话与互动 ——90年代以来中国电视剧主导文化结构分析/王黑特 232
Dialogue and Interaction: an Analysis of 1990s Chinese TV Plays Dominant Cultural Structure/Wang Heite 电视剧的心理疗慰功能/唐建军 241
TV Plays Function of the Psychological Conciliation/Tang Jianjun 另一种广告媒介 ——重新思考电视剧的传播行为与社会角色/吴秋雅 253
Another Ads Media: Rethinking the TV Plays Transmission and Social Role/Wu Qiuya陆天明反腐剧作的通俗叙事解析/李 春 258
Analyzing the Popularity and Narration Of Lu Tianmings Anti-corruption TV Play/Li Chun觉醒与共谋 ——谈电视剧《橘子红了》中的女性形象/孙 萌 269
Awakening and Conspiracy: the Female Characters in Red Oranges/Sun Meng 从《大明宫词》到《橘子红了》看女性主义观念的体现/江逐浪 275
Presentation of Feminism: from DaMing Palace to Red Oranges/Jiang Zhulang 中国电视剧创作微观研究方法论/张应辉 283
On Microcosmic Research Methodology of the Chinese TV Play Production/Zhang Yinghui 情景喜剧的审美特征/韩骏伟 288
Aesthetic Traits of Sitcom/Han Junwei 传播先进文化 聚焦民族精神——当前电视剧创作中需要深化和普及的十个问题/肖惊鸿 294
Ten Issues that should be Enhanced in the TV Play Production/Xiao Jinghong艺术默契、审美定势与超越 ——兼谈近期电视剧的创作得失/戴 清 304
Artistic Tacit Agreement and Surpassing the Aesthetic Stereotypical Ideas/Dai Qing淡而有味 寄托温情 寻求共鸣——从都市青年人心理走向谈港产及日韩电视剧创作的特点/方 媛 311
The Traits of the TV Play Production in Hong Kong, Japan and Korea: An Urban Youthful Perspective/Fang Yuan闭幕辞/曾庆瑞 316
Closing Address/Zeng Qingrui
