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作 者: 郭杰克
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 普通高等教育十五国家级规划教材
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787810958875 出版时间: 2006-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 132 字数:  






Unit 1
Text A-1 Alone in the Arctic Cold
Text A-2 Merories of Afghanistan
Text B-1 The Conquest of Mt.Jolmo
Text B-2 Buzz-bombs and Doodlebugs
Unit 2
Text A-1 Atomic Cars
Text A-2 Improving Industrial Efficiency Through Robotics
Text B-1 Maglev:A New Generation in Railroad Technology
Text B-2 Letters:Obsolete Technology
Unit 3
Text A-1 How to Prepae for an Interview
Text A-2 Needing and Wanting Are Different
Text B-1 What Mdkes a Good Job?
Text B-2 The Kind of Work Daddy Does
Unit 4
Text A-1 The Suburban Century
Text A-2 Adapting to the New World
Text B-1 The Jeaning of America and the World
Text B-2 Americans and Food
Unit 5
Text A-1 Everday Cruelty
Text A-2 The Power of Forgiveness
Text B-1 A True Wartime Story
Text B-2 A Life of Quiet Desperation
Unit 6
Text A-1 Karoshi
Text A-2 The Culture of“Lead Time”
Text B-1 Pace of Life
Text B-2 The Impact of Time
Unit 7
Text A-1 States United by Terror
Text A-2 A Case for the UN
Text B-1 The Worst Scare of My Life
Text B-2 Take Care,America
Unit 8
Text A-1 Grand Canyon Crowding
Text A-2 Ecotourism
Text B-1 Working Your Way Around the World
Text B-2 Jones Beach
Key to Comprehension Exercises
