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作 者: 樊恒夫
出版社: 重庆大学出版社
丛编项: 求实高职高专英语专业系列教材
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787562436133 出版时间: 2006-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 306 字数:  


  《英语阅读教程》共4册,属于《求实高职高专英语专业系列教材》。本书为第4册,其阅读题材梯度和形式与1,2,3册连接,但更为广阔,文体更为多样,除英国罗伯特·杰克逊先生和美国大卫·韦克菲尔德先生作主笔外,选用其他英美澳加作者的篇章进行编辑加工,使其文字清新平易,利于口笔语通用,并确保其素材语料现代实用,贴近社会就业现实。编者针对中国高职高专学生的具体情况,承袭1,2册体例,每单元文章以Text 1(Level 1)和Text 2(Level 2)的形式安排,其中Text 1的语言较Text 2容易,以方便学习者根据自身实际情况灵活使用和教师因材施教。Text 1和Text 2后面是与文章内容相关的阅读理解练习、翻译练习、写作练习和短文填空阅读练习。编者还在每单元最后安排实用文体或背景知识性阅读,突出了高职高专教学“实用为主”的原则。本书活动的设计和练习的编排把说、读、写、译结合起来,能有效地提高学生的阅读理解能力和语言综合应用能力。《英语阅读教程》既可供高职高专英语专业学生使用,也可供高职高专非英语专业学生使用,同时也可作为英语中高级读物,供具有一定基础的英语自学者和英语爱好者使用。




1 A Historic Speech and a Personal Reflection
 Text 1 An Epoch-Making Toast by President Nixon
 Text 2 My Feelings as I Leave China
 Read More Case study: Self-access in a University
2 Marco Polo and His Travels
 Text 1 Marco Polo and His Travels (Part 1 )
 Text 2 Marco Polo and His Travels (Part 2)
 Read More Salt Lake City
3 Biography: Eleanor Roosevelt
 Text 1 Eleanor Roosevelt (Part 1 )
 Text 2 Eleanor Roosevelt (Part 2)
 Read More From Stars to Politicians
4 Bright Stars of Science
 Text 1 The Bright Star of Menlo Park
 Text 2 Einstein:A Man of Many Contrasts
 Read More Stephen Hawking's Optimistic View about Science and Life
5 Finding a lob
 Text 1 How to Get a Job in Australia
 Text 2 The First Job in London
 Read More My Father Frank and His Jobs
6 Common Sense of Language
 Text 1 How to Read Body Language
 Text 2 Needed: An International Language
 Read More A. Some Common Misconceptions about English Speaking and the West
  B. Foreign Customs and Etiquette
7 Learn the Art of Oral Interpretation
 Text 1 Summary--Translations
 Text 2 Evaluation--Senior Class Oral Interpretation Practice
 Read More A. Translating
  B. Oral Interpretation
8 The United Nations
 Text 1 The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
 Text 2 The United Nations
 Read More The Nobel Lecture Given by Kofi Annan
9 Stories from Greek Mythology and the Bible
 Text 1 Stories from Greek Mythology
 Text 2 A story from the Bible--Noah and His Ark
 Read More More Stories from the Greek Mythology
10 The Olympic Games
 Text 1 A. The Olympic Games
  B. Ceremonies of the Olympic Games
 Text 2 Women Athletes and the Olympic Games
 Read More A. China Wins 2008 Olympic Race
  B. Ms. Yang Lan's Speech at the IOC Session in Moscow
11 Understanding Different Cultures
 Text 1 Differences between Australia and China
 Text 2 America: Neither Paradise Nor Hell
 Read More Culture Shock and the Problem of Adjustment in New Cultural Environments
12 Open Secret to Success
 Text 1 The Winner's Guide to Success
 Text 2 Open-Book Management
 Read More A. How to Be a Leader
  B. Bill Gates' Tips on the Makings of a Good Manager
13 International Trade
 Text 1 World Trade
 Text 2 A Talk: Early History of Foreign Trade
 Read More Basic Facts of GATT and WTO
14 Britons' and Canadians' Attitude towards Environment
 Text 1 Britons Get Close to Nature
 Text 2 Canadian Expertise on Environmental Protection
 Read More Early Birds
15 Stories of Aids and High-Tech Medicine
 Text 1 Blood Sisters, Best Friends
 Text 2 Angels on the Internet
 Read More High-Tech Medicine and Its Consequences
16 High Technology in Use
 Text 1 Hydroponics: Farming without Dirt
 Text 2 The PDS System--a Triumph of Chinese Technology
 Read More A. Earthquake Forecasting
  B. Black Holes
Answers for Reference
Appendix: Contract
