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作 者: (美)布鲁西尔
出版社: 人民邮电出版社
丛编项: 国外著名高等院校信息科学与技术优秀教材
标 签: 计算机专业 大学英语 大学 教材教辅与参考书

ISBN: 9787115149183 出版时间: 2006-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 562 字数:  






Chapter0 Introduction
0.1    The Role of Algorithms
0.2    The Origins of Computing Machines
0.3    The Science of Algorithms
0.4    Abstraction
0.5    An Outline of Our Study
0.6    Social Repercussions
Chapter1 Data Storage
1.1    Bits and Their Storage
1.2    Main Memory
1.3    Mass Storage
1.4    Representing Information as Bit Patterns
1.5    The Binary System
1.6    Storing Integers
1.7    Storing Fractions
1.8    Data Compression
1.9    Communication Errors
Chapter2 Data Manipulation
2.1    Computer Architecture
2.2    Machine Language
2.3    Program Execution
2.4    Arithmetic/Logic Instructions
2.5    Communicating with Other Devices
2.6    Other Architectures
Chapter3 Operating Systems
3.1    The Evolution of Operating Systems
3.2    Operating System Architecture
3.3    Coordinating the Machine's Activities
3.4    Handling Competition Among Processes
3.5    Scurity
Chapter4 Networking and the Internet
4.1    Network Fundamentals
4.2    The Internet
4.3    The World Wide Web
4.4    Network Protocols
4.5    Security
Chapter5 Algorithms
5.1    The Concept of an Algorithm
5.2    Algorithm Representation
5.3    Algorithm Discovery
5.4    Iterative Structures
5.5    Recursive Structures
5.6    Efficiency and Correctness
Chapter6 Programming Languages
6.1    Historical Perspective
6.2    Traditional Programming Concepts
6.3    Procedural Units
6.4    Language Implementation
6.5    Object-Oriented Programming
6.6    Programming Concurrent Activities
6.7    Declarative Programming
Chapter7 Software Engineering
7.1    The Software Engineering Discipline
7.2    The Software Life Cycle
7.3    Modularity
7.4    Design Methodologies
7.5    Tools of the Trade
7.6    Testing
7.7    Documentation
7.8    Software Ownership and Liability
Chapter8 Data Abstractions
8.1    Data Structure Fundamentals
8.2    Implementing Data Structures
8.3    A Short Case Study
8.4    Customized Data Types
8.5    Classes and Objects
8.6    Pointers in Machine Language
Chapter9 Database Systems
9.1    Database Fundamentals
9.2    The Relational Model
9.3    Object-Oriented Databases
9.4    Maintaining Database Integrity
9.5    Traditional File Structures
9.6    Data Mining
9.7    Social Impact of Database Technology
Chapter10 Artificial Intelligence
10.1    Intelligence and Machines
10.2    Understanding Images
10.3    Reasoning
10.4    Artificial Neural Networks
10.5    Genetic Algorithms
10.6    Other Areas of Research
10.7    Considering the Consequences
Chapter11 Theory of Computation
11.1    Functions and Their Computation
11.2    Turing Machines
11.3    Universal Programming Languages
11.4    A Noncomputable Function
11.5    Complexity of Problems
11.6    Public Key Cryptography
