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定 价:¥16.10

作 者: 郭杰克
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 普通高等教育十五国家级规划教材
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787810958868 出版时间: 2006-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 134 字数:  






Unit 1
Text A-1 Johnny the Explorer
Text A-2 Growing Pains
Text B-1 Working while You Grow
Text B-2 E.T.- A Fairy Tale of the Space Age
Unit 2
Text A-1 Making Friends
Text A-2 Black and White
Text B-1 Friends
Text B-2 Friendship
Unit 3
Text A-1 Louis Pasteur:A Modern-Day Scientist
Text A-2 Can Computers Replace People?
Text B-1 The Scientific Method(1)
Text B-2 The Scientific Method(2)
Unit 4
Text A-1 A Country of Immigrants
Text A-2 Dolly Parton
Text B-1 The Automobile in American Life
Text B-2 I.M.Pei
Unit 5
Text A-1 Cycling for Air-with Love
Text A-2 The Woman of His Dreams
Text B-1 Early Autumn
Text B-2 Marriage and Romance
Unit 6
Text A-1 Alex,the Talking Parrot
Text A-2 Do Animals Think?
Text B-1 How Desert Animals Survive the Summer Heat and Dryness
Text B-2 The Roadrunner
Unit 7
Text A-1 A Lucky Escape
Text A-2 The Death Car
Text B-1 Jump
Text B-2 Afraid to Fly
Unit 8
Text A-1 Adult Education in the U.S.
Text A-2 Nobody Can Do It Like McDonald's
Text B-1 Correspondence Schools in the U.S.
Text B-2 Biological Clocks
Key to Comprehension Exercises
