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作 者: 周雪 著
出版社: 甘肃教育出版社
标 签: 阅读


ISBN: 9787542315502 出版时间: 2006-01-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 32开 页数: 237 字数:  


  Chapter 1Unclerstanding of ReadingI.The Meaning of ReadingII.The Components of Reading111.Reading Psychological ModelsIV.Models of Reading Chapter 2Factors Influencing ReadingI.Reading ProcessⅡ.Basic Factors that Influence Reading Chapter3Effective Teaching Reading MethodsI.Profiles of Struggling Readers and Strong ReadersⅡ.Teacher’S Role in Teaching ReadingIII.The Integrated Model in Teaching ReadingⅣ.A Case to Illustrate the Integrated Reading ModelChapter 4Instructions of Important Reading StrategiesI.Summarization of Reading StrategieslI.Instructions of Important Reading StrategiesChapter 5 Cognitive and Metacognitive Reading Strategy TrainingI.Introduction of Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategy TrainingⅡ.The Current ResearchⅢ.Data Analysis and DiscussionⅣ.Conclusions and ImplicationChapter 6 Understanding of Good WritingI.Elements of Good WritingⅡ.Distinguishing Good and Poor WritingⅢ.Distinguishing Chinese and English Native WritingChapter 7 Writing Theory and PsychologyI.The Psychological Transitions in WritingII.Psychological Processing Theories in WritingⅢ.Reflection on Nature of WritingChapter 8Effective Teaching Methods in WritingI.Comparison of Different Teaching Methods in WritingⅡ.Instructions of Genre-base ApproachⅢ.Exploring Different GenresChapter 9Making out Successful WritingI.Pre-writing StrategiesII.While-writing StrategiesⅢ.Post-writing StrategiesChapter 10 Combination of Reading and WritingI.Introduction of Integrated Reading and WritingⅡ.Review of Reading and Writing Research in HistoryHI.Relationships between Reading and WritingIV.Theories Scaffolding Integrated Reading and WritingV.Implication of Integrated Reading and Writing in InstructionBibliography




chapter 1 uniderstanding of reading
Ⅰ.the meaning of reading
Ⅱ.the components of reading
Ⅲ.reading psychological models
Ⅳ.models of readng
chapter 2
Ⅰ.reading proces
Ⅱ.basic factors that influence reading
chapter 3 effective teaching reading methods
Ⅰ.profiles of struggling readers and strong readers
Ⅱ.teacher s role in teaching reading
Ⅲ.the integrated model in teaching reading
Ⅳ.a case to illustate the integrated reading model
chapter 4 lnstructions of lmportant reading strategies
Ⅰ.summarization of reading strategies
Ⅱ.instructions of important reading strategise
chapter 5 cognitive and metacognitive reading strategy trainig
Ⅰ.introduction of cognitive and metacognitive strategy training
Ⅱ.the current research
Ⅲ.data analysis and discussion
Ⅳ.conclusions and implication
chapter 6 understanding of good writing
Ⅰ.elements of aood witing
Ⅱ.distinguishing good and poor writing
Ⅲ.distinguishing chinese and english native writitng
chapter 7 writing theory and psychology
Ⅰ.the psychological transitions in writing
Ⅱ.psychological processing theories in writing
Ⅲ.reflection on nature of writing
chapter 8 effective teaching methods in writing
Ⅰ.comparison of different teaching methods in writing
Ⅱ.instrctions of genre base approach
Ⅲ.exploring different genres
chapter 9 making out successful wfiting
Ⅰ.pre-writing strategies
Ⅱ.while-writing strategies
Ⅲ.post-writing strategies
chapter 10 combination of reading and writing
Ⅰ.introduction of integrated reading and writing
Ⅱ.review of reading and writing research in history
Ⅲ.relationships between reading and writing
Ⅳ.theories scaffolding integrated reading and writing
Ⅴ.implication of integrated reading and writing in instruction
