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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络软件与程序设计程序设计综合Linux应用程序开发(第二版 英文版)

Linux应用程序开发(第二版 英文版)

Linux应用程序开发(第二版 英文版)

定 价:¥75.00

作 者: (美)约翰逊(Johnson,M.K.),(美)特罗安(Troan,E.W.) 著
出版社: 人民邮电出版社
丛编项: 典藏原版书苑
标 签: Linux

ISBN: 9787115149411 出版时间: 2006-07-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 16开 页数: 702 字数:  


  本书介绍了在Linux环境下开发应用程序需要掌握的知识,对编程实践中经常遇到的问题进行了详细的讲解,并提供了典型实例加以说明。全书共分为4个部分。第一部分介绍初学者需要了解的知识,包括Linux的历史、从事自由软件开发需要了解的版权知识和GPL等许可证,以及如何获取和使用在线文档系统。第二部分介绍了开发环境和工具,其中包括Emacs编辑器、vi编辑器及gdb调试器的使用,gcc的选项和扩展,GNU C库的基本知识,内存溢出和泄漏的调试工具,如何创建、使用、管理静态库和动态库,以及如何通过系统调用请求系统服务。第三部分详细介绍了Linux系统编程知识,其中包括进程模型、简单文件管理、信号处理、高级文件操作、目录操作、作业控制、终端与伪终端、socket网络、时间和定时器、随机数、虚拟控制台、Linux控制台以及如何编写安全的程序。第四部分精选了Linux编程中最常用的开发库进行介绍,其中包括字符串匹配、用于终端编程的S-Lang库、基于散列的数据库函数库、命令行解析库,如何运行时动态加载共享对象,以及有关用户身份识别和验证的库。.本书内容丰富、实用,适合需要开发Linux软件,或者需要把软件从其他平台移植到Linux上的程序员阅读。..本书特色:·书中源代码源自工程实例,可以在网上下载。·本书作者是Linux程序员的领军人物。·一本备受好评的Linux程序开发经典。“本书的第一版总是放在我桌上举手可及的地方,因为它非常好地解释了Linux用户态API的所有领域。而第二版更为出色,我将用它来取代第一版。”—— Greg Kroah-Hartman著名Linux内核程序员


  本书提供作译者介绍Michael K. Johnson是Specifix公司的操作系统工程师。他曾是Red Hat的操作系统开发人员,在那里他管理一个内核开发小组长达3年半的时间,他是Fedora项目基础技术负责人。他还曾做过有关Linux应用程序开发的教学工作。Erik W. Troan是Specifix公司的合伙创始人和执行副总裁。他曾经是Red Hat公司产品工程部的副总裁,负责规格描述和创建技术,例如RPM、Linux操作系统、Red Hat网络、高性能服务器以及Red Had网站的基础设施。


Part 1 Getting Started
Chapter 1 History of Linux Development
1.1    A Short History of  Free Unix Software
1.2     Development of Linux
1.3    Notional Lineage of Unix Systems
1.4    Linux Lineage
Chapter 2 Licenses and Copyright
2.1 Copyright
2.2 Licensing
2.3 Free Software Licenses
Chapter 3 Online System Documentatiion
3.1 The man Pages
3.2 The Info Pages
3.3  Other Documetation
Part 2 Development Tools and Environment
Chapter 4 Development Tools
4.1 Editors
4.2 Make
4.3 The GNU Debugger
4.4 Tracing Program Actions
Chapter 5 gcc Options and Extenslons
5.1 gcc Options
5.2 Header Files
Chapter 6 The GNU C Library
        6.1 Feature Selection
        6.2 POSIX Interfaces
        6.3 Compatibilit y
Chapter 7 Memory Debugging Tools
        7.1 Buggy Code
        7.2 Memory-Checking Tools Included in glibc
        7.3 Finding Memory Leaks with mpr
        7.4 Investigating Memory Errors with Valgrind
        7.5 Electric Fence
Chapter 8 Creating and Using Libraries
         8.1 Static Libraries
         8.2 Shared Libraries
         8.3 Designing Shared Libraries
         8.4 Building Shared Libraries
         8.5 Installing Shared Libraries
         8.6  Using Shared Libraries
Chapter 9 Linux System Envlronment
         9.1 The Process Environment
         9.2 Understanding System Calls
         9.3 Finding Header and Library Files
Part 3 System Programming
Chapter 10 The Process Model
         10.1 Defining a Process
         10.2 Process Attributes
         10.3 Process Information
         10.4 Process Primitives
         10.5 Simple Chidren
         10.6 Sessions and rocess Groups
         10.7  Introduction to LADSH
         10.8 Creating Clones
Chapter 11 Simple File Handling
         11.1 The File Mode
         11.2 Basic File Operations
         11.3 Querying and Changing Inode Information
         11.4 Manipulating Directory Entries
         11.5 Manipulating File Descriptors
         11.6 Ceaating Unnamed Pipes
         11.7 Adding Redirection to LADSH
Chapter 12 Signal Processing
         12.1 Signal Concepts
         12.2 The Linux (and POSIX)Signal API
         12.3 Available Signals
         12.4 Writing Signal Handlers
         12.5 Reopening Log Files
         12.6 Real-Time Signals
         12.7 Learning About a Signal
Chatpter 13 Advanced File Handling
         13.1 Input and utput Multiplexing
         13.2 Memory Mapping
         13.3 File Locking
         13.4 Alternatives to read()and write()
Chapter 14 Directory Operations
         14.1 The Current Working Directory
         14.2 Changing the Root Directory
         14.3 Creating and Removing Directories
         14.4 Reading a Directory’s Contents
         14.5 File Name Globbing
         14.6 Adding Directories and Globbing to ladsh
         14.7  Walking File System Trees
         14.8 Directory Change Notification
Chapter 15 Job Control
         15.1 Job Control Basics
         15.2 Job Control in ladsh
Chapter 16 Terminals and Pseudo Terminals
         16.1 TTY Operations
         16.2 termios Overview
         16.3 termios Examples
         16.4 termios Debugging
         16.5 termios Reference
         16.6  Pseudo ttys
Chapter 17  Networking with Sockets
         17.1 Protocol Support
         17.2Utility Functions
         17.3 Basic Socket Operations
         17.4 Unix Domain Sockets
         17.5 Networking Machines with TCP/IP
         17.6 Using UDP Datagrams
         17.7 Socket Errors
         17.8 Legacy Networking Functions
Chapter 18 Time
         18.1 Telling Time and Dates
         18.2 Using T imers
Chapter 19 Random Numbers
         19.1 Pseudo-Random Numbers
         19.2 Cryptography and Random Numbers
Chapter 20 Programing Virtual Consoles
        20.1 Getting Started
        20.2 Beeping
        20.3 Determining Whether the Terminal Is a vc
        20.4 Finding the Current VC
        20.5 Managing VC Switching
        20.6  Example:The open Command
Chapter 21 The Linux Console
        21.1 Capability Databases
        21.2 Glyphs,Characters,and Maps
        21.3 Linux Console Capabilities
        21.4 Direct Screen Writing
Chapter 22 Writing Secure Programs
         22.1 When Security Matters
         22.2 Minimizing the Opportunity for Attack
         22.3 Common Security Holes
         22.4 Running as a Daernon
Part 4 Development Libraries
Chapter 23 String Matching
        23.1 Globbing Arbitrary Strings
        23.2 Regular Expressions
Chapter 24 Terminal Handling with S-Lang
        24.1 Input Handling
         24.2 Output Handling
Chapter 25 Hased Database Library
        25.1 Overview
        25.2 Basic Operations
        25.3 Reading Records
        25.4 Modifying the Database
        25.5 Example
Chapter 26  Parsing Command-Line Options
        26.1 The Option Table
        26.2 Using the Option Table
        26.3  Using Callbacks
        26.4 Error Handling
        26.5 Option Aliasing
        26.6 Parsing Argument Strings
        26.7 Handling Extra Arguments
        26.8 Sample Application
Chapter 27 Dynamic Loading at Run Time
        27.1  The di Interface
Chapter 28  User Identfication and Authentication
         28.1 ID-to-Name Transation
         28.2 Pluggable Authentication Modules
A ppendices
Appendix A Header Files
Appendix B ladsh Source Code
