Unit 1 Greetinqs and intros
Lesson A
Getting to know you
Lesson B
People we like
[unit 2 Countries and Nationalities
Lesson A
Countries of the world
Lesson B
What is your city like?
Unit 3 Interesting Products
Lesson A
Personal items
Lesson B
Modern electronics
Review: Units I-3
Lesson A
Everyday activities
Lesson B
At school
Unit 5 Food
Lesson A
Food and eating habits
Lesson B
Food around the world
Unit 6 My Family
Lesson A
This is my family!
Lesson B
Families, big and small
Review: Units 4-6
Unit 7 Time
Lesson A
Time and schedules
Lesson B
It's the weekend!
Unit 8 Special Occasions
Lesson A
Holidays and celebrations
Lesson B
Holiday traditions
Unit 9 Person to Person
Lesson A
Busy schedules
Lesson B
Modern dating
Review: Units 7-9
Unit 10 Home Sweet Home
Lesson A
Lesson B
Student housing
Unit 11 Clothing
Lesson A
Shopping for clothes
Lesson B
What do I wear?
Unit 12 Jobs and Ambitions
Lesson A
Lesson B
Getting a job
Review: Units 10-12
Language Summaries
Grammar Notes