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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科历史文物考古金沙(英文)



定 价:¥188.00

作 者: 成都文物考古研究所 编著,王平兴 译
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
丛编项: 21世纪中国考古新发现
标 签: 各种遗址

ISBN: 9787508508542 出版时间: 2006-01-01 包装: 铜版纸
开本: 8开 页数: 1188 字数:  


  The Jinsha was discovered in early 2001 in the northwestern suburb fo Chengdu City.After four years of excavations,we now have a general idea about the nature,the area of relics distribution and the cultural contert of the site.We intend ot present a general picture of the site in this publication,to tell our readers about the site's geographical location,the distribution of the relics,major deposits,and major artifacts that have been unearthed. As the excavation of the site is still going on and lots of unearthed relics are being sorted,we have not yet made an in-depth study of many materials.Our exposition of the site and its artifacts has just begun,and we welcome suggestions from our readers on anything that needs improvement.With new findings from on-going excavations and further studies,we are sure we can present better works on the site to our readers in the future.




Geographical Location of Chengdu City
Location of the Jinsha Site and Excavations
Part One Gold Articles
Part Two Bronze Articles
Part Three Jade Articles
Part Four Stone Articles
Part Five Wood Articles
Part Six Pottery Articles
A Chronological Comparison of the Chengdu Plain and Other Regions
List of Photos of Jinsha Artifacts
