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定 价:¥29.00

作 者: 刘国全
出版社: 人民卫生出版社
丛编项: 视听说分册
标 签: 专业英语


ISBN: 9787117078016 出版时间: 2006-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 230 字数:  






Unit 1 Admission
 Part One Warming-Up
 Part Two Listening
 Part Three Dialogue
  Section A Admission to the Hospital
  Section B Information Gathering
 Part Four Phonetics
  The English Vowels
Unit 2 Discharge
 Part One Warming-Up
 Part Two Listening
 Part Three Dialogue
  Section A Discharge Teaching
  Section B The Day the Patient Leaves
 Part Four Phonetics
  The English Consonants
Unit 3 Vital Signs
 Part One Warming-Up
 Part Two Listening
 Part Three Dialogue
  Section A Taking Temperature
  Section B Taking Blood Pressure
 Part Four Phonetics
  Incomplete Plosion, Consonant Clusters and Liaison
Unit 4 Hygiene of the Patient
 Part One Warming-Up
 Part Two Listening
 Part Three Dialogue
  Section A Morning Care
  Section B Hygiene of the Patient
 Part Four Phonetics
  Word Stress and Sentence Stress
Unit 5 Medications
 Part One Warming-Up
 Part Two Listening
 Part Three Dialogue
  Section A Penicillin Allergy Test
  Section B Starting an IV (Intravenous)
 Part Four Phonetics
Revision One
Unit 6 Medical Nursing
 Part One Warming-Up
 Part Two Listening
 Part Three Dialogue
  Section A Hypertension
  Section B Care of the Patient in a Critical Condition
 Part Four Phonetics
  Strong and Weak Forms
Unit 7 Surgical Nursing
 Part One Warming-Up
 Part Two Listening
 Part Three Dialogue
  Section A Receiving A New Patient
  Section B Pre-Operative Care
 Part Four Phonetics
Unit 8 Obstetric Nursing
 Part One Warming-up
 Part Two Listening
 Part Three Dialogue
  Section A Waiting for Delivery
  Section B Delivery. Care and Postpartum Care
 Part Four Phonetics
  Senes-group and Breath-group
Unit 9 Pediatric Nursing
 Part One Warming-Up
 Part Two Listening
 Part Three Dialogue
  Section B Care for the Kid with Measles
 Part Four Phonetics
  Assimilation and Elision
Unit 10 Psychiatric Nursing
 Part One Warming-Up
 Part Two Listening
 Part Three Dialogue
  Section A Encountering a Patient with Panic Disorder
  Section B Caring for a Schizophrenic Patient
 Part Four Phonetics
Revision Two
