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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语放射医学专业英语



定 价:¥45.00

作 者: 龚守良、孙萍
出版社: 原子能出版社
标 签: 求职英语


ISBN: 9787502236977 出版时间: 2006-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 410 字数:  


  本书选材注重知识性、科学性、时代性,较全面、系统地介绍了放射医学专业各方面的知识,包括放射物理、辐射剂量、放射化学、放射生物、放射毒理、放射临床损伤和放射卫生防护等内容。考虑到学生的实际需要,本书的选材以放射生物、放射临床损伤和放射卫生防护文献居多。全书共有二十六个单元,每个单元又分A,B两个部分,每个部分在阅读课文前提出指导性的问题,并在课文后配有专业词汇、词组、难句分析并附参考译文、正误判断及简答问题等内容,书后附有核科学大事记及总词汇表。 本书为吉林大学“十五”规划教材,可作为高等院校放射医学专业学生英语教材,亦可作为从事放射医学与卫生防护及其他相关学科的科技工作者学习放射医学专业英语的工具书。




Unit 1
Section A Radioactivity and Radiation(1)
Section B Radioactivity and Radiation(2)
Unit 2
Section A Radiation Units(1)
Section B Radiation Detection and Analysis in Natural Radioactivity(2)
Unit 3
Section A Radiation Chemistry(1)
Section B Radiation Chemistry(2)
Unit 4
Section A DNA Strand Breaks and Chromosomal Aberrations Induced by Ionizin
Section B DNA Strand Breaks and Chromosomal Aberrations Induced by Ionizin
Unit 5
Section A Cell Survival Curves Caused by Irradiation(1)
Section B Cell Survival Curves Caused by Irradiation(2)
Unit 6
Section A Radiosensitivity and Cell Age in the Mitotic Cycle(1)
Section B Radiosensitivity and Cell Age in the Mitotic Cycle(2)
Unit 7
Section A Repair of Radiation Damage and the Dose-Rate Effect(1)
Section B Repair of Radiation Damage and the Dose-Rate Effect(2)
Unit 8
Section A The Oxygen Effect and Reoxygenation(1)
Section B Linear Energy Transfer and Relative Biological Effectiveness(2)
Unit 9
Section A Acute Effects of Total-Body Irradiation(1)
Section B Acute Effects of Total-Body Irradiation(2)
Unit 10
Section A Radiation Carcinogenesis(1)
Section B Radiation Carcinogenesis(2)
Unit 11
Section A Hereditary Effects of Radiation(1)
Section B Hereditary Effects of Radiation(2)
Unit 12
Section A Effects of Radiation on the Embryo and Fetus(1)
Section B Effects of Radiation on the Embryo and Fetus(2)
Unit 13
Section A Molecular Techniques in Radiobiology(1)
Section B Molecular Techniques in Radiobiology(2)
Unit 14
Section A The External and Internal Radiation Hazard(1)
Section B The Internal Radiation Hazard(2)
Unit 15
Section A Radiation Protection(1)
Section B Radiation Protection(2)
Unit 16
Section A Protection Against Radiation Damage to DNA Bases(1)
Section B Protection Against Radiation Damage to DNA Bases(2)
Unit 17
Section A History of Radioprotector Development(1)
Section B History of Radioprotector Development(2)
Unit 18
Section A Doses and Risks in Diagnostic Radiology(1)
Section B Doses and Risks in Diagnostic Radiology(2)
Unit 19
Section A Interventional Radiology and Cardiology(1)
Section B Nuclear Medicine(2)
Unit 20
Section A Radioimmunoassay and Competitive Binding Analysis(1)
Section B Radioimmunoscintigraphy(2)
Unit 21
Section A Dose-Response Relationship for Normal Tissues(1)
Section B Clinical Response of Normal Tissues(2)
Unit 22
Section A Time, Dose, and Fractionation in Radiotherapy Section B Time, Dose, and Fractionation in Radiotherapy
Unit 23 Section A Radiation Sickness Classification(1)
Section B Radiation Sickness Classification(2)
Unit 24
Section A Treatment of Acute Radiation Sickness(1)
Section B Treatment of Acute Radiation Sickness(2)
Unit 25
Section A Medical Characteristics of Different Types of Radiation Accidents(1)
Section B Medical Characteristics of Different Types of Radiation Accidents(2)
Unit 26
Section A Radioactive Wastes(1)
Section B Radioactive Wastes(2)
Milestones in the Radiation Sciences
Answer Key: True or False Questions
