1 Introduction
A middle-way approach to academic reading
1+ Task introduction
Economics focus: On the move
2 Academic achievement
Text 2-1: The influence of class size on academic achievement
Text 2-2: A case study: ShJnJng star
Text 2-3: The Asian paradox: Huge classes, high score
3 Early human develoment
Text 3-1: Interaction between nature and nurture
Text 3-2: Capacities of the newborn
Text 3-3: Hearing, taste and smell
4 The environment today
Text 4-1: Acid rain in Norway
Text 4-2: Skylarks in decline
5 Statistics without tears
Text 5-1: Making sense of experience
Text 5-2: What is statistics?
Text 5-3: Descriptive and inferential statistics
6 Human activity &climate change
Text 6-1: Extra-textual information
Text 6-2: Common questions about climate change
Text 6-3: Are human activities contributing to climate change?
Text 6-4: What human adivities contribute to climate change
7 The global village
Text 7-1: Introduction
Text 7-2: The shrinking planet
Text 7-3: Economic globalisation
Text 7-4: Communily & conflid
Text 7-5: The Sharing of SOvereignS/
Text 7-6: Converging or diverging?
8 The new linguistic order
Text8-l: Thenew linguistic order