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定 价:¥42.00

作 者: (美)维利
出版社: 吉林出版集团有限责任公司
丛编项: 捷进名家英语语音大讲堂
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787807204992 出版时间: 2006-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 120 字数:  




  杨枫,吉林大学英语教授、博士、英语课程与教材设计专家,吉林出版集团外语教育中心主任,主要研究英语语用学、测试学与教学策略,著述颇丰。TOP目录 Meet the Phonics Team and About the AuthorsIntroductionScope and SequenceUNIT 1Short Vowels: a, o, iShort Vowels:/a/o(Nan, Nan has...)Short Vowels: Iol o(Bob, Can/Cannot)Short Vowels: /l/ i(Tim, Is/Is Not)Short Vowels: /a/ a, /o/ o, /l/,i(The bag of Tim=Tim's bag)Little Book: The Big BagReview of Short Vowels: a, o, i;Introduction: Final xUNIT 2Short Vowels: u, eShort Vowels:/u/u(Gus, Gus has fun.)Short Vowels: lel e(Bev, Is Bey...?)Short Vowels: /a/ a, /o/ o, /l/ i, /u/ u, /e/ e(A Pen/Lots of Pens)Little Book: The BusReview of Short Vowels(Nan, Tab, Bob, Tim, Gus, and Bev)UNIT 3BlendsInitial/-Blends: cl, fl, pi, bl, gl, sl(In the Class. Gus is in the class.)Initial/-Blends: gr, fr, br, tr, cr, dr(On the Grass)Initial s-Blends: st. sp. sn. sw. sk. sm(On the Steps)Final Blends: nd, Ik, mp, nk, ft(On the Sand)Final Blends: xt, st. sk, Ip, It, nt(Next to Bev)Initial/kw/qu(Quack Quiz)Little Book: The FrogReview of Blends and Short VowelsUNIT 4Long Vowels: aLong Vowels: /a/ a-e(Kate makes a cake.)Long Vowels: /a/ ay(Kate plays.)Long Vowels: /a/ at(Kate waits.)Long Vowels: /a/ ace, age(Kate's Face on the Page)Long Vowels: /a/ and Short Vowels(it's the same.)Little Book: The LakeReview of Long Vowels: a and Hard andSoft c and g (Kate's Great Day)UNIT 5Long Vowels: iLong Vowels:/i/i-e(Mike can ride.)Long Vowels:/i/I,-y(I like my bike.)Long Vowels: Ill igh (Lights at Night)Long Vowels: Ill ire, ice (Fire and Ice)Long Vowels:/a/, / i/, and Short Vowels(Rhymes)Little Book: The BikeReview of Long Vowels: a, i and Short Vowels(My Life)UN IT 6 Long Vowels: o, e, uLong Vowels: /o/ o-e, oa(Rose is a goat.)Long Vowels:/61 ow(Go Fast/Go Slow)Long Vowels: /o/ or. oor. oar. our(More Sports)Long Vowels: /o/ and Short Vowels(High and low are opposites.)Long Vowels: /e/ e-e. ea, ee(Pete reads by the tree.)Long Vowels: /e/ ie(The Baseball Field)Long Vowels: /e/ e,ey. y(Is he a monkey? Is he a baby?)Long Vowels: /e/ eer, ear(The deer is near.)Long Vowels: /u/ ue, u-e(Sue plays the flute.)Long Vowels: /u/ ou, ui(Do you...?)Long Vowels: /u/ ew(Old/New, Many/Few)Little Book: Go, Pete!Review of Long Vowels: o, e, uUNIT 7Digraphs: sh, ph, thDigraphs:/sh/sh(Ship or Sheep?)Digraphs:/f/ph(On the Phone)Digraphs: /th/ th (voiceless)(Thick and Thin)Digraphs: /th/ th (voiceless)(Fun with the Phonics Team)Digraphs: /th/ th (voiced)(Thisrhymes with that .)Little Books: The BathReview of Digraphs: sh, ph, th(These Clothes, Those Clothes)UNITt 8Digraphs:wh, ng, ch, tch, wr, knDigraphs:/hw/wh(What is it?)Digraphs: /hw/ wh(When?)Digraphs: /ng/ ng(Sing a song.)Digraphs: /ng/ -ing(Nan is thinking.)Digraphs: /ch/ ch(Cheese for Lunch)Digraphs: /ch/ tch(Catch that pitch! )Silent Letters: /r/ wr, /n/ kn(Right or Wrong? Do you know?)Little Book: Ask Me a RiddleReview of Digraphs: wh, ng, ch, tch, wr, kn(Words that Rhyme)UNIT 9r-Controlled Vowels: at, er, ir, urr-Controlled Vowels:/ar/ar(The Farm)r-Controlled Vowels: /er/ er(Summer and Winter Weather)r-Controlled Vowels: /er/ ir, ur(Birds and Turtles)Little Book: The FarmReview of-r-Controlled Vowels: or, er, ir, ur(Over/Under; Before/After)UNIT 10DiPhthongs:oo, ou, ow, oy, oiDiphthongs: / u / go(Oops!)Diphthongs: /ou/ ou(Loud Sounds)Diphthongs: /ou/ ow(How now, brown cow?)Diphthongs: /oi/ oy, oi(Toys can make noise.)Review of Diphthongs: oo, ou, ow, oy, oi(How do animals sound?)Little Book: The Big CameAnswer Key for the Student BookOverview for the Practice andAssessment PagesAnswer Key for the Practice andAssessment PagesPractice and Assessment PagesSongsNational TESOL ESL Goals and Standardsfor Pre-K-12 StudentsWord ListPronunciation KeyIndex and Bibliography TOP 其它信息 装帧:平装页数:120 版次:1开本:16开


Meet the Phonics Team and About the Authors
Scope and Sequence
UNIT 1 Short Vowels: a, o, i
Short Vowels:/a/o
(Nan, Nan has...)
Short Vowels: Iol o
(Bob, Can/Cannot)
Short Vowels: /l/ i
(Tim, Is/Is Not)
Short Vowels: /a/ a, /o/ o, /l/,i
(The bag of Tim=Tim's bag)
Little Book: The Big Bag
Review of Short Vowels: a, o, i;
Introduction: Final x
UNIT 2 Short Vowels: u, e
Short Vowels:/u/u
(Gus, Gus has fun.)
Short Vowels: lel e
(Bev, Is Bey...?)
Short Vowels: /a/ a, /o/ o, /l/ i, /u/ u, /e/ e
(A Pen/Lots of Pens)
Little Book: The Bus
Review of Short Vowels
(Nan, Tab, Bob, Tim, Gus, and Bev)
UNIT 3 Blends
Initial/-Blends: cl, fl, pi, bl, gl, sl
(In the Class. Gus is in the class.)
Initial/-Blends: gr, fr, br, tr, cr, dr
(On the Grass)
Initial s-Blends: st. sp. sn. sw. sk. sm
(On the Steps)
Final Blends: nd, Ik, mp, nk, ft
(On the Sand)
Final Blends: xt, st. sk, Ip, It, nt
(Next to Bev)
(Quack Quiz)
Little Book: The Frog
Review of Blends and Short Vowels
UNIT 4 Long Vowels: a
Long Vowels: /a/ a-e
(Kate makes a cake.)
Long Vowels: /a/ ay
(Kate plays.)
Long Vowels: /a/ at
(Kate waits.)
Long Vowels: /a/ ace, age
(Kate's Face on the Page)
Long Vowels: /a/ and Short Vowels
(it's the same.)
Little Book: The Lake
Review of Long Vowels: a and Hard and
Soft c and g (Kate's Great Day)
UNIT 5 Long Vowels: i
Long Vowels:/i/i-e
(Mike can ride.)
Long Vowels:/i/I,-y
(I like my bike.)
Long Vowels: Ill igh (Lights at Night)
Long Vowels: Ill ire, ice (Fire and Ice)
Long Vowels:/a/, / i/, and Short Vowels
Little Book: The Bike
Review of Long Vowels: a, i and Short Vowels
(My Life)
UN IT 6 Long Vowels: o, e, u
Long Vowels: /o/ o-e, oa
(Rose is a goat.)
Long Vowels:/61 ow
(Go Fast/Go Slow)
Long Vowels: /o/ or. oor. oar. our
(More Sports)
Long Vowels: /o/ and Short Vowels
(High and low are opposites.)
Long Vowels: /e/ e-e. ea, ee
(Pete reads by the tree.)
Long Vowels: /e/ ie
(The Baseball Field)
Long Vowels: /e/ e,ey. y
(Is he a monkey? Is he a baby?)
Long Vowels: /e/ eer, ear
(The deer is near.)
Long Vowels: /u/ ue, u-e
(Sue plays the flute.)
Long Vowels: /u/ ou, ui
(Do you...?)
Long Vowels: /u/ ew
(Old/New, Many/Few)
Little Book: Go, Pete!
Review of Long Vowels: o, e, u
UNIT 7 Digraphs: sh, ph, th
(Ship or Sheep?)
(On the Phone)
Digraphs: /th/ th (voiceless)
(Thick and Thin)
Digraphs: /th/ th (voiceless)
(Fun with the Phonics Team)
Digraphs: /th/ th (voiced)
(This rhymes with that .)
Little Books: The Bath
Review of Digraphs: sh, ph, th
(These Clothes, Those Clothes)
UNITt 8 Digraphs:wh, ng, ch, tch, wr, kn
(What is it?)
Digraphs: /hw/ wh
Digraphs: /ng/ ng
(Sing a song.)
Digraphs: /ng/ -ing
(Nan is thinking.)
Digraphs: /ch/ ch
(Cheese for Lunch)
Digraphs: /ch/ tch
(Catch that pitch! )
Silent Letters: /r/ wr, /n/ kn
(Right or Wrong? Do you know?)
Little Book: Ask Me a Riddle
Review of Digraphs: wh, ng, ch, tch, wr, kn
(Words that Rhyme)
UNIT 9 r-Controlled Vowels: at, er, ir, ur
r-Controlled Vowels:/ar/ar
(The Farm)
r-Controlled Vowels: /er/ er
(Summer and Winter Weather)
r-Controlled Vowels: /er/ ir, ur
(Birds and Turtles)
Little Book: The Farm
Review of-r-Controlled Vowels: or, er, ir, ur
(Over/Under; Before/After)
UNIT 10 DiPhthongs:oo, ou, ow, oy, oi
Diphthongs: / u / go
Diphthongs: /ou/ ou
(Loud Sounds)
Diphthongs: /ou/ ow
(How now, brown cow?)
Diphthongs: /oi/ oy, oi
(Toys can make noise.)
Review of Diphthongs: oo, ou, ow, oy, oi
(How do animals sound?)
Little Book: The Big Came
Answer Key for the Student Book
Overview for the Practice and
Assessment Pages
Answer Key for the Practice and
Assessment Pages
Practice and Assessment Pages
National TESOL ESL Goals and Standards
for Pre-K-12 Students
Word List
Pronunciation Key
Index and Bibliography
