Part One Semantic Devices
1. Simile
2. Metaphor
3. Analogy
4. Personification
5. Zoosemy
6. Synaesthesia
7. Hypallage
8. Verbal Symbol
9. Metonymy
10. Synecdoche
11. Antonomasia
12. Allusion
13. Euphemism
14. Periphrasis
15. Hyperbole
16. Understatement
17. Variation
18. Nicknaming
19. Paregrnenon
20. Hendiadys
21. Epanorthosis
22. Repetition
23. Polysyndeton
24. Paradiastole
25. Polypunctuation
26. Pleonasm
27. Ellipsis
28. Asyndeton and Parataxis
29. Sentence Fragment
30. Paraleipsis
31. Aposiopesis
32. Syllepsis
33. Zeugma
34. Antithesis
35. Oxymoron
36. Paradox
37. Epigram
38. Parallelism
39. Climax
40. Anticlimax
41. Represented Speech
42. Ecphonesis or Exclamation
43. Dubitation
44. Pun
45. Irony
46. Innuendo
47. Satire
48. Ridicule
49. Rhetorical Question
50. Allegory
51. Inversion or Hyperbaton
52. Anagram
53. Palindrome
54. Malapropism
55. Spoonerism
56. Bull
57. Hysteron-proteron
58. Metastasis
59. Enallage or Functional Shift
60. Parody
61. Mimesis
62. Graphic
63. Biblical Rhetoric
64. Prosopopoeia or Vision
65. Apostrophe
66. Prolepsis
Part Two Phonetic Devices
1. Alliteration
2. Assonance
3. Consonance
4. Tongue Twisters
5. Onomatopoeia
6. Homeoteleuton
Part Three Syntactic Devices
1. Active and Passive Voices
2. Balanced and Parallel Structure
3. Short and Long Sentences
4. Sentence Types
5. Periodic Sentence and Loose Sentence
6. Appositives and Parentheses
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III