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定 价:¥15.00

作 者: 盛萍
出版社: 国防工业出版社
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787118045833 出版时间: 2006-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 200 字数:  






Unit One English Phonemes
Exercise 1 Getting familiar with English phonemes
Exercise 2 English phonemes in words
Exercise 3 Homophones
Exercise 4 English phonemes in phrases
Exercise 5 Relaxation
Unit Two Sound Recognition Vowels Ⅰ
Exercise 1 Distinguishing confusing sounds:/i:/ , /i/ , /el and/0el
Exercise 2 Dictation
Exercise 3 Distinguishing confusing sounds in groups of words
Exercise 4 Identifying a word in the context of a sentence
Exercise 5 Distinguishing confusing sounds:/u:/, /u/, /:/ and //
Exercise 6 Dictation
Exercise 7 Distinguishing confusing sounds in groups of words
Exercise 8 Identifying confusing words in the underlined words
Exercise 9 Distinguishing teens from tens
Exercise 10 Relaxation
Unit Three Sound Recognition Vowels Ⅱ
Exercise 1 Distinguishing confusing sounds:/d, /a:/, /e/ and /el/
Exercise 2 Dictation
Exercise 3 Distinguishing confusing sounds in pairs of words
Exercise 4 Identifying a word in the context of a sentence
Exercise 5 Distinguishing confusing sounds://,//,/o:/and/ou/
Exercise 6 Dictation
Exercise 7 Identifying a word in the context of a sentence
Exercise 8 Identifying confusing sounds in the underlined word
Exercise 9 Identifying ordinal numbers
Exercise 10 Relaxation
Unit Four Sound Recognition Consonants Ⅰ
Exercise 1 Distinguishing confusing sounds:/s/, /0/, /f/ and /ty
Exercise 2 Dictation
Exercise 3 Distinguishing confusing sounds in groups of words
Exercise 4 Identifying a word in the context of a sentence
Exercise 5 Distinguishing confusing sounds:/f/ , /v/ , /s/ and /z/
Exercise 6 Dictation
Exercise 7 Distinguishing confusing sounds in pairs of words
Exercise 8 Identifying a word in the context of a sentence
Exercise 9 Years and Dates
Exercise 10 Relaxation
Unit Five Sound Recognition Consonants Ⅱ
Exercise 1 Distinguishing confusing sounds:/v/ , /w/ , /1/ and /n/
Exercise 2 Dictation
Exercise 3 Distinguishing confusing sounds in pairs of words
Exercise 4 Identifying a word in the context of a sentence
Exercise 5 Distinguishing confusing sounds:/n/, /0/ , /d/ and //
Exercise 6 Dictation
Exercise 7 Identifying a word in the context of a sentence
Exercise 8 Identifying the words containing:/d/or//
Exercise 9 Telephone Numbers
Exercise 10 Relaxation
Quiz Unit 1--Unit 5
Unit Six Consonant Clusters
Exercise 1 Initial clusters imitation
Exercise 2 Hunting initial clusters
Exercise 3 Medial clusters imitation
Exercise 4 Final clusters imitation
Exercise 5 Hunting final clusters
Exercise 6 Matching definition
Exercise 7 Passage understanding
Exercise 8 Relaxation
Unit Seven Strong and Weak Forms
Exercise 1 Sentence dictation
Exercise 2 The weak form of determiners
Exercise 3 Dictation for verb forms
Exercise 4 The weak form of special verbs
Exercise 5 The weak form of pronouns
Exercise 6 The weak form of conjunctions and prepositions
Exercise 7 Testing your ears
Exercise 8 Relaxation
Unit Eight Incomplete Piosion
Exercise 1 Imitating incomplete plosives
Exercise 2 Sharpening up your ears
Exercise 3 Getting acquainted with incomplete plosives(Plosive + Fricative / Affricate)
Exercise 4 Taking a dictation of phrases
Exercise 5 Getting familiarized with incomplete plosives(Plosive + Nasal / Lateral)
Exercise 6 Taking a dictation of words and expressions
Exercise 7 Testing your ears
Exercise 8 Relaxation
Unit Nine Assimilation and Elision
Exercise 1 Historical assimilation Ⅰ
Exercise 2 Historical assimilation Ⅱ(Coalescent assimilation)
Exercise 3 Contextual assimilation
Exercise 4 Sentence dictation
Exercise 5 Sharpening up your ears
Exercise 6 Spotting differences
Exercise 7 Dictation for elision
Exercise 8 Spotting silent-letters
Exercise 9 Relaxation
Unit Ten Liaison
Exercise I Taking a dictation of sentences
Exercise 2 Linking final consonant with initial vowels
Exercise 3 Imitating "r" liaison
Exercise 4 Sharpening up your ears
Exercise 5 Linking final vowels with initial vowel sounds
Exercise 6 Spotting liaison
Exercise 7 Testing your ears
Exercise 8 Getting acquainted with liaison
Exercise 9 Relaxation
Quiz Unit 6--Unit 10
Unit Eleven Sense Groups and Pausing
Exercise 1 Marking pauses in sentences
Exercise 2 Marking pauses in a passage
Exercise 3 Punctuating a proverb
Exercise 4 Spotting pauses
Exercise 5 Pauses and imitation
Exercise 6 Passage understanding
Exercise 7 Relaxation
Unit Twelve Word Stress and Sentence Stress
Exercise 1 Marking the stressed syllables
Exercise 2 Identifying differences
Exercise 3 Marking the stressed words
Exercise 4 Marking the stressed words in a poem
Exercise 5 Poem appreciation
Exercise 6 Relaxation
Unit Thirteen Stress Shifts
Exercise I Spotting stress
Exercise 2 Stress distinction
Exercise 3 Identifying stress
Exercise 4 Stress application
Exercise 5 Matching stress patterns
Exercise 6 Relaxation
Unit Fourteen Rhythm
Exercise 1 Spotting longer vowels in each pair
Exercise 2 Liaison revision
Exercise 3 Experiencing rhythm
Exercise 4 Identifying rhythm
Exercise 5 Identifying stress patterns
Exercise 6 Rhythm appreciation
Exercise 7 Relaxation
Unit Fifteen Intonation Ⅰ
Exercise 1 Experiencing intonation
Exercise 2 Intonation distinction
Exercise 3 Intonation identification
Exercise 4 Intonation application
Exercise 5 Intonation appreciation
Exercise 6 Dictation
Exercise 7 Relaxation
Unit Sixteen Intonation Ⅱ
Exercise 1 Spotting stress
Exercise 2 Identifying meaning
Exercise 3 Intonation implication
Exercise 4 Intonation application
Exercise 5 Relaxation
Quiz Unit ll--Unit 16
Tapeseripts and Key
