Overview of interpreting skills
To the teacher
Lesson 1 GetUngthe
Lesson 2 Logicalanalysis
Lesson 3 Memory in interpreting
Lesson 4 Improving memory efficiency
Lesson 5 Feature and layout of the interpreter's notes
Lesson 6 Professional interpreter's notes system
Lesson 7 Coping tactics in comprehension
Lesson 8 Public speaking I-vocal rendering
Lesson 9 Public speaking II-body language
Lesson 10 Problem areas in interpreting
Lesson 11 More on interp
Lesson 12 Fidelity in interpreting
Lesson 13 Reconstruction skills
Lesson 14 Coplng tactics in reformulation
Lesson 15 Discourse analysis and comprehension in interpreting
Lesson 16 Discourse analysis and reproduction in interpreting
Lesson 17 Interpreter's awareness of and competence for cross cultural communication
Lesson 18 Enhancement of interpreter's language abilities
Lesson 19 Acquisition of extralinguistic knowlede,
Lesson 20 Application of sight translation and skills
Lesson 21 Interpreter's professional code of ethics
Lesson 22 Multi-tasking
Lesson 23 Linearity
Lesson 24 Anticipation and information retention
Lesson 25 Sight interpreting
Lesson 26 Simultaneous interpreting with PowerPoint slides
Lesson 27 Coping tactics in simultaneous interpreting