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定 价:¥18.00

作 者: 王浩钢
出版社: 人民邮电出版社
丛编项: 21世纪高等职业教育模具设计与制造技术规划教材
标 签: 模具

ISBN: 9787115144560 出版时间: 2006-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 180 字数:  






Lesson 1 The Injection Molding and Machine 1
 New Words and Expressions 2
 Reading Material 5
Lesson 2 Mould for Threaded Components 11
 New Words and Expressions 14
 Reading Material 17
Lesson 3 Basic Underfeed Mould 22
 New Words and Expressions 24
 Reading Material 26
Lesson 4 Feed System 31
 New Words and Expressions 32
 Reading Material 34
Lesson 5 Sprue Bush and Register Ring 37
 News Words and Expressions 38
 Reading Material 40
Lesson 6 Runner 45
 New Words and Expressions 47
 Reading Material 48
Lesson 7 Gates 51
 New Words and Expressions 52
 Reading Material 54
Lesson 8 Parting Surface 57
 New Words and Expressions 58
 Reading Material 60
Lesson 9 Mould Cavities and Cores 63
 New Words and Expressions 64
 Reading Material 67
Lesson 10 Splits 70
 New Words and Expressions 71
 Reading Material 73
Lesson 11 Ejection 75
 New Words and Expressions 77
 Reading Material 78
Lesson 12 Mould cooling 80
 New Words and Expressions 81
 Reading Material 83
Lesson 13 Stamping and Punching Dies Compound Die Design 86
 New Words and Expressions 88
 Reading Material 91
Lesson 14 Extrusion 93
 New Words and Expressions 94
 Reading Material 97
Lesson 15 Runnerless Moulds Nozzle types 101
 New Words and Expressions 103
 Reading Material 105
Lesson 16 Machine Tools 110
 New Words and Expressions 111
 Reading Material 113
Lesson 17 Castings 117
 New Words and Expressions 119
 Reading Material 122
Lesson 18 Cold Hobbing 127
 New Words and Expressions 128
 Reading Material 129
Lesson 19 Non-conventional Machining 133
 New Words and Expressions 134
 Reading Material 136
Lesson 20 Bench Fitting 142
 New Words and Expressions 143
 Reading Material 146
模具词典 149
参考文献 180
