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定 价:¥23.80

作 者: 施发敏
出版社: 北京大学出版社
标 签: 英语读物 英语与其他外语


ISBN: 9787301103890 出版时间: 2006-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 236 字数:  






Unit One News时事聚焦
 Passage 1 China’S Joining WTO and Globalization
 Passage 2 China’S Olympics(Ⅰ)
 Passage 3 China’S Olympics(Ⅱ)
 Passage 4 SARS Is New and It Kills,but How Dangerous Is It?
Unit Two Economy经济视野
 Passage 1 A Brave New World
 Passage 2 China’S Booming Economy:
Do the Risks Outweigh the Opportunities?
 Passage 3 Sales Force
 Passage 4 Be Your Own Boss
Unit Three Foreign Culture异域风情
 Passage 1 Christmas in New Zealand
 Passage 2 New York’S Chinatown
 Passage 3 The Dolphin That Came to Stay
 Passage 4 The Oldest City onEarth
Unit Four Entertainment娱乐休闲
 Passage 1 Girls Just Wanna Have Guns
 Passage 2 His Way
 Passage 3 Linkin Park Steps Out
 Passage 4 The Biggest Summer
Unit Five Literature文学欣赏
 Passage 1 A Farewell to Arms
 Passage 2 Review on A Farewell to Arms
 Passage 3 The Adventures ofTom Sawyer
 Passage 4 Review on The Adventures ofTom Sawyer
Unit Six Education教育天地
 Passage l Private School under Siege
 Passage 2 Head Start
 Passage 3 Test Drive
 Passage 4 Class Warfare
Unit Seven People风云人物
 Passage 1 The Making ofa First Lady
 Passage 2 Little Sister ofthe Poor
 Passage 3 Dr.Carl G.Jung:Pioneer in Analytic Psychology
 Passage 4 Hamilton Smith’S Second Chance
Unit Eight Science科技长廊
 Passage 1 The Sleep Cure
 Passage 2 Here,Kitty,Kitty
 Passage 3 Meet the Chipsons
 Passage 4 Channel Surfing
Unit Nine Media传媒管窥
 Passage l A Tabloid Shocker
 Passage 2 Alcohol’S TV Flirtation More than a Threat
 Passage 3 You Talkin’to Me
 Passage 4 The Special War
Unit Ten Society社会掠影
 Passage 1 Soccer Gets Sexy
 Passage 2 Bringing Up Adolescents
 Passage 3 The“Thrill”ofTheft
 Passage4 TheKeyboardKids
Keys to Exercises练习答案
