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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语读物浙江:钱塘江潮涌天下(英文)



定 价:¥98.00

作 者: 浙江省人民政府闻新办公室 主编
出版社: 外文出版社
标 签: 江苏

ISBN: 9787119045009 出版时间: 2006-01-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 16 页数: 215 字数:  


  As described by the poets of old,Hangzhou was both beautiful and affluent.Today,as the capital of Zhejinag Provice,the City retains its former beauty and glory.The province is known not only for its scenic mountains and rivers,but also for its rich endowment of resources and people.It has long enjoyed the fame of being the"land of fish and rice,""home of silk and tea,""proveice of cultural relics"and "site of scenic attractions".Living and working in this beautiful setting.the people of ZheJiang,apart from their poeticcultural spirit,anr daring and creative surfers riding the tide of China's reform and opeiing up in the new era,thus achieving stunning econo micsuccess.




HILLS—No hill can be taller than a human being
Walking Out of Mountain Villages toward the sea
A 98-km Expressway in "Mid-air"
The Unyielding Character of the Taizhou
Swords,Celadon Porcelains,Ancient Towns and Mountains
Suudy for the Purpose of Application——Zhejinag People's Philosophical Ideas
RIVERS—Areas south of the Yangtze River that teem with fish and rice
Rise of the people
The Grand Bejing-Hangzhou Canal
Picturesque Waterside Towns South of the Yangtze River
Embryos of a Commercial Civilization
Civic Literature and Art
Bridges—a witness to History
LAKES—Zhejiang's cultural memory
West Lake under the Pen of Poets
The "Solitary Hill" Is Not Solitary
Romances on West Lake
West Lake,Also a Shrine to Heroes
Wine and Calligraphy
A Prosperous Town Ever Sice Ancient Times
SEA—A passage to the world
Sea and Civilization—Hemudu Culture
Sea and Roads—"Silk Road on the Sea"
Sea and Islands—Zhoushan Islands
Sea and the Zhejiang People—the Ningbo Guild
TIDAL WAVES—Surging to all corners of the Land
Tides and Dykes—a Game between Action and Inaction
Dare to Be the First under hEAVEN
Dare to Be the First under Heaven—Zhejinag People's Courage to Break New Ground
Zhejiang Businessmen—Tide Surfers
