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作 者: 包胜华 主编
出版社: 国防工业出版社
标 签: 专业英语

ISBN: 9787118047172 出版时间: 2006-08-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 16 页数: 213 字数:  


  本书共分7个单元,内容涉及物流概论、运输工程、包装及包装技术、仓储管理、配送中心、集装及集装箱、物流信息与流通加工。书后附有英汉专业词汇及解释、固定词组搭配和单词表。. 本书既可作为高等院校物流专业双语课程的教材,也可作为各层次学历教育和短期培训的选用教材,还可作为广大物流企业从业人员的学习参考用书。...




part i logistics and logistics engineering
chapter one logistics and logistics engineering
§ 1 the definition of logistics
§ 2 the notion of logistics engineering
chapter two planning framework for logistics
§ 1 strategic planning overview
§ 2 logistics design strategy
§ 3 summary
chapter three manufacturing and materials management
§ 1 push and pull systems
§ 2 just- in - time
§ 3 manufacturing resource planning (mrp ii )
§ 4 material requirements planning (mrp)
§ 5 flexible fulfillment (postponement)
§ 6 the effects of distribution activitiespart ii logistics information
chapter four information logistics
§ 1 the importance of information in logistics management
§ 2 avoiding the sting of the "bullwhip"
§ 3 logistics organizational dynamics
chapter five the monitoring and control of logistics
§ 1 why monitor?
§ 2 monitoring and control: a general approach
§ 3 engineered standards
§ 4 an operational planning and control systempart iii transportation
chapter six transportation
§ 1 transportation facility
§ 2 the transportation modes
chapter seven transport decisions
§ 1 transport service choice
§ 2 vehicle routing
§ 3 vehicle routing and scheduling
§ 4 freight consolidationpart iv warehouse
chapter eight warehouse equipment
chapter nine warehouse design
§ 1 design procedure
§ 2 external layout
chapter ten storage systems and equipment
§ 1 stock location
§ 2 palletized storage
§ 3 small item storage systems
§ 4 other types of storage part v handing and packaging
chapter eleven handling system
§ 1 powered industrial trucks and attachments
§ 2 cranes
§ 3 convey for unit load handling
chapter twelve packaging technology
§ 1 container of packaging
§ 2 packaging technique
§ 3 packing methodspart vi distribution
chapter thirteen distribution center
chapter fourteen planning physical distribution
§ 1 the role of depots and warehouses
§ 2 cost relationships
§ 3 matching logistics strategy to business strategy
§ 4 depot site considerationspart vii circulation processing and supply chain management
chapter fifteen circulation processing
§ 1 the significance of the processing flow
§ 2 the processing flow causes
§ 3 the concept and features of flow processing
§ 4 the logistics flow in the processing status
chapter sixteen supply chain management
§ 1 the supply chain and the basic concepts of supply chain management
§ 2 supply chain management several waysappendix i 英汉专业词汇及解释
appendix ii 固定词组搭配
appendix iii 本书单词表
