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作 者: 谢鸿政
出版社: 科学出版社
丛编项: 21世纪高等院校教材
标 签: 数学


ISBN: 9787030168320 出版时间: 2006-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: B5 页数: 254 字数:  






Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Equations of nmthematieal physics
1.2 Basic concept and definition
1.3 Linear operator
Chapter 2 Mathematical models and problems for defining solutions
2.1 Typical equations
2.2 String oscillation
2.3 Membrane oscillation
2.4 Heat conduction in solid
2.5 Gravitation potential
2.6 The conditions and problems for defining solutions
2.7 Principle of superposition
Chapter 3 Classification and simplification for linear partial
differential equations of second order
3.1 Linear second order partial differential equations with two variables
3.2 Simplification and standard forms
3.3 Examples
Chapter 4 Integral method on characteristics
4.1 D'Alembert formula of Cauchy problem for string oscillation'
4.2 Small oscillations of semi-infinite and finite strings with rigidly
fixed or free ends, method of prolongation
4.3 Three-dimensional wave equation
4.4 The method for descending dimension
4.5 Cauchy problem for non-homogeneous wave equation
4.6 Integral method on characteristics for second order hyperbolic
equations with two variables
Chapter 5 The method of separating variables on finite region
5.1 Separation of variables
5.2 The process by separation of variables for solving mixed problel
on string oscillation
5.3 The application of the method on separating variables
5.4 Non-homogeneous problems
5.5 Uniqueness of the solutions for two mixed problems
Chapter 6 Eigenvalue problems and special functions
6.1 Sturm-Liouville problem
6.2 Eigenfunctions
6.3 The boundary value problem of ordinary differential equation
and Green function
6.4 The construction of Green function
6.5 Eigenvalue problem and Green function
6.6 Bessel function
6.7 Singular Sturm-Liouville problem
6.8 Legendre function
Chapter 7 Multidimensional boundary value problems
7,1 Dirichlet problem in cube
7.2 Dirichlet problem in cylindrical body
7.3 Boundary value problems in a sphere
7.4 Membrane oscillation on rectangular region
7.5 Heat conduction on rectangular plate
7.6 Wave in three-dimensional cube
7.7 Heat conduction in cube
7.8 The problem on hydrogen atom
7.9 Forced vibration on membrane
Chapter 8 Integral transformations
8.1 Fourier integral transformation
8.2 The properties of Fourier transformation
8.3 Application of Fourier integral transformation
8.4 Laplace integral transformation
8.5 Application of Laplace integral transformation
Chapter 9 Basic properties of harmonic functions
9.1 Convex, linear, and concave functions in R1
9.2 Superhamonic, harmonic, and subharmonic functions in multidimen-
sional regions
9.3 Hopf lemma and strong maximum principle
9.4 Green formulas, uniqueness theorems
9.5 Integral identity, mean value theorem, inverse mean value theorem
Chapter 10 Green function and their application to PDEs
10.1 Definition and main properties concerning Laplace
10.2 The method of superposition of sources and sinks
10.3 Poisson integral
Selected answers for exercises
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
