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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语词汇/语法/阅读英语阶梯阅读(适合初中生阅读初级版1)



定 价:¥12.00

作 者: 李玉红
出版社: 光明日报出版社
标 签: 阅读

ISBN: 9787802061316 出版时间: 2005-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32 页数: 167 字数:  






Unit 1
Passage 1 Wang Fei
Passage 2 Tom and His Friend
Passage 3 Sam's Room
Passage 4 Pingping 's Day

Unit 2
Passage 1 Miss Liu
Passage 2 A Letter
Passage 3 Tony's Question
Passage 4 Kate's Family

Unit 3
Passage 1 Ask the Way
Passage 2 Mary and Her Sister
Passage 3 The King's Car
Passage 4 Cities

Unit 4
Passage 1 A Good Boy
Passage 2 Jack
Passage 3 An Honest Boy
Passage 4 An Argument

Unit 5
Passage 1 A Clever Dog
Passage 2 A Fight to Milan
Passage 3 Visiting Friends
Passage 4 A Little Bill

Unit 6
Passage 1 I'm Going to Buy One for You
Passage 2 What a Clever Boy
Passage 3 Be an Honest Person
Passage 4 My Grandfather

Unit 7
Passage 1 About Chocolate Bars
Passage 2 The Importance of Plant
Passage 3 American Football
Passage 4 An Elephant's Feeling

Unit 8
Passage 1 The Driver's Excuse
Passage 2 Billy's Trouble
Passage 3 A Naughty Boy
Passage 4 Foolish Tom

Unit 9
Passage 1 Careless Billy
Passage 2 Mike's Excuse
Passage 3 Naughty Tom
Passage 4 A Terrible Storm

Unit 10
Passage 1 The New Term
Passage 2 Education in Hollywood
Passage 3 Is It a Boy or a Girl?
Passage 4 An Amusing lncident in a Bar

Unit 11
Passage 1 Modern Animals
Passage 2 A Japanese Girl in London
Passage 3 April Fool's Day
Passage 4 A Lazy Girl

Unit 12
Passage 1 Such an Economical Man
Passage 2 The Meaning of "Cool"
Passage 3 Such a Man
Passage 4 What a Custom

Unit 13
Passage 1 Be Safe Swimming
Passage 2 Mrs. Smith
Passage 3 Whose Is It?
Passage 4 An Introduction of Friends

Unit 14
Passage 1 I Am Glad to Meet You!
Passage 2 Fred and Jean
Passage 3 Lily and Lucy's bedroom
Passage 4 Our Color TV

Unit 15
Passage 1 John's Motorbike
Passage 2 Wash It Tomorrow
Passage 3 Englishmen Like Reading
Passage 4 Pollution (污染)

Unit 16
Passage 1 A "Clever" Boy
Passage 2 Why Are You Looking at Me Always?
Passage 3 How Many Apples Left?
Passage 4 A Poor Painter

Unit 17
Passage 1 A Hurried Mother
Passage 2 A Pen
Passage 3 Picture Phones
Passage 4 The Increasing Price of Houses

Unit 18
Passage 1 A Great Writer
Passage 2 London and Its Problems
Passage 3 When Will the Cartoons Begin?
Passage 4 They Help Each Other
