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当前位置: 首页出版图书经济管理经济中国经济中国经济学人(4英文版)



定 价:¥80.00

作 者: 金碚
出版社: 经济管理出版社
标 签: 经济学家

ISBN: 9787802076662 出版时间: 2006-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 126 字数:  


  The Chinese economy has been growing briskly for more than two de-cades and is changing the global economic pattern forcefully and rapidly.It essms that the world was ill-prepared for the dramatic changes in China. This makes it all the more necessary for China to know herself and the world better,while the world needs to understand China and to explore the global meaning of the China phenomenon.However,despite the fact that learn-ing Chineseas a foreign can read Chinese articles without difficulty. China Economist, therefore, comes in handy for our foreign readers as an En-glish periodical that focuses on economics and business management as well as on other fields of social sciences in China.Specifically, Chineseas takes it upon itself to inform the world of the latest academic progress in Chinese economics and business management, to publish original academic papers and research reports on the Chinese economy, and to disseminate the Chinese experiences in eco-nomic development and corporate governance as well as the results of empirical studies in these fields.




China's Economic Growth;Dynamics and Prospects
Three Misconceptions Regarding China's Economic Growth
Special Report
CASS launches New English Periodical on Chinese Ecomics
QDll Policy Is Beneficial to both h Hong Kong and Mainland Fiancial Markets
An Open Economy Calls for New Development Theories
Reform of the RMB Exchange Rate Regime:Impact and Risks
The Necessity of Unifying Income Taxex of Domestic and Foreign Enterprises
Low Taxation Undermines Economic Growth
The Evolution of Industrial
Innovation Policies in China
Look into China
How Badly off Are China's Farmers?
