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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅教育世界教育事业教学研究:国际视野中的政策与实践(英文版)



定 价:¥49.00

作 者: (日)的场正美、(英)克劳福德、(伊朗)阿拉尼
出版社: 教育科学出版社
标 签: 世界各国教育事业


ISBN: 9787504133144 出版时间: 2006-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 256 字数:  


  Jugyou kenkyuu is one area that we believe has been overlooked and yet has the potential to make a significant impact upon teaching and learning.Jugyou kenkyuu is a collaborative research on the teaching and learning process.The Nagoya University group translates jugyou kenkyuu as collaborative research on classroom activities.American and British scholars use the term。lesson study”.Recently a number of American researchers and educators have suggested that jugyou kenkyuu might be a very beneficial approach for teachers who are interested in critically examining their classroom practice.In addition,since 2000 the Learning Study Center at the Hong Kong Institute of Education has been examining jugyou kenkyuu as a powerful tool for teachers’professional development.




Chapter 1:Lesson Study in NoAh America:Progress and ChallengesCatherine C.Lew/s(7)
Chapter 2:Transnational Learning:The Integration 0f Jugyou kenkyuu into Iranian Teacher Training Mohommad Reza Sarkar Arani(37)
Chapter 3:Issues and Problems in Pre-service Teacher Education in Japan:Teachers’Perspectives Takeyuki Ueyama(76)
Chapter 4:Lesson Study and tlle Study of Educational Method in JapanKazumitsu Nakano(99)
Chapter 5:Education Reform and School-Based Lesson Study in ChinaGao Xia
Chapter 6:Learning Study-the Hong Kong Version of Lesson Study:Development,Impact and Challenges Lo Mun Ling(133)
Chapter 7:Mentoring in the Initial Training and Professional Development of Teachers in England:Conceptual,Epistemological and Methodological Issues Marion Jones(158)
Chapter 8:The Process of Teacher Professional Development in England:an Overview Keith Crawford(189)
Chapter 9:Lesson Study:Impulses for Teacher Education and In-service Training in Germany Friedrich Gervand Astrid Kehder-Miirrle(218)
Chapter 10:Lehrkunst(Teaching Art):a German Version of Lesson Study?Examples from Science and Humanities Education Hans Christoph Berg and Tilman Grammes(239)
