list of illustrations
1 introduction:the german land s and people
2 mediaeval germany
the beginnings of german history
germany in the early and high middle ages
germany in the later middle ages
3 the age of confes sionali sm,1500-1648
the german reformation:the early years
the german peasants’war
the development of the german reformation
germany in the age of counter-reformation
the peace of westphalia and the effects of the war
4 the age of ab soluti sm.1648-1815
absolutism and the rise of prussia
religion,culture and enlightenment
the impact of the french revolution
5 the age of indu striali satl0n,1815-19l8
restoration germany,1815-48
the revolutions of 1848
the unification of germany
germany under bismarck
society and politics in wilhelmine germany
culture in imperial germany
foreign policy and the first world war
6 democracy and dictatorship,1918-45
the weimar republic:origins and early years
the period of apparent stabilisation
the collapse of weimar democracy
the consolidation of hitler’s power
foreign policy and war
holocaust,resistance and defeat
7 the two germanies,1945-90
the creation of the two germanies
from establishment to conso“dation
politics in the two germanies,1949-89
economy and society in west germany
economy and society in the gdr,1949-89
the revolution of 1989 and the unification of germany
8 the federal republic of germany since 1990
9 pattern s and problem s of german hi story
suggestions for further reading