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定 价:¥29.90

作 者: 马德森
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛编项: 英美文学文库
标 签: 文化背景

ISBN: 9787560059679 出版时间: 2006-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 253 字数:  






introduction:feminism in america
1 gender and rhetoric:liberal feminism and
mary rowlandson
survey of liberal feminist theory:elizabeth cady
stanton,charlotte perkins gilman,betty friedan
liberal feminism in praxis:mary rowlandson’s
the sovereignty and goodness of god
references and selected further reading
2 gender and work:marxist feminism and
charlotte perkins gilman
survey of marxist feminist theory:emma goldman,
michele barrett.lillian robinson
marxist feminism in praxis:charlotte perkins
gilman’s the yellow wallpaper’and selected stories
references and selected further reading
3 gender and consciousness:psychoanalytic
feminism and kate chopin
survey of psvchoanalvtic feminist theory:
carol gilligan,jane flax,jane gallop
psvchoanalvtic feminism in praxis:kate chopin’s
references and selected further reading
4 gender and nature: ecofeminism and
willa cather
survey of ecofeminist theory: carol bigwood,
carolyn merchant, carol adams
ecofeminism in praxis: willa cather's plains
references and selected further reading
5 gender and sexuality: radical feminism
and adrienne rich
survey of radical feminist theory: shulamith
firestone, andrea dworkin, mary daly, audre lorde
radical feminism in praxis: adrienne rich's poetry
references and selected further reading
6 gender and class: socialist feminism and
ann beattie
survey of socialist feminist theory: juliet mitchell,
sheila rowbotham, zillah eisenstein
socialist feminism in praxis: ann beattie's secrets
and surprises
references and selected further reading
7 gender and race: feminism of colour and
alice walker, denise chavez, leslie marmon
silko, maxine hong kingston
survey of feminism of colour: angela davis,
bell hooks, paula gunn allen, gloria anzaldfia
third-world feminism in praxis: alice walker's
the color purple, denise chavez's the last of
the menu girls, leslie marmon silko's storyteller,
maxine hong kingston's the woman warrior
references and selected further reading
