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定 价:¥98.00

作 者: 纪华 高文星
出版社: 外文
丛编项: 宁夏:天下黄河富宁夏
标 签: 地方文化

ISBN: 9787119042985 出版时间: 2006-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 263 字数:  


  It is easy to have a quick look at China's past and present, but it takes time to gain a panoramic knowledge of China. The "Panoramic China" series is meant to assist readers, especially those overseas, in this respect. Each volume in the series focuses on a province, municipality or autonomous region, describing, with illustrations, the outstanding characteristics of each area from different perspectives.The Ningxia Hui Autonomous Regions is situated in the northwest of China. The Yellow River, running across nearly 400 km in the region, supplies 4 billion cubic meters of water annually for irrigation. Ningxia since ancient times has been famed for its rich natural and cultural resources endowed by the Yellow River.Ningxia is one of the five provincial-level autonomous regions in China. Thirty-five percent of its population of 5.87million is of the Hui Ethnic Group. In the region, there are mysterious mausoleums of the kings of Western Xia, the cliff paintings of Helan Mountains, the Shuidonggou historical ruins, the ancient Great Wall and other historical sights and places of interest, which all witnessed the long history of Ningxia.The book mainly presents the customs of the Hui Ethnic Group. Besides, it also introduces Ningxia’s past and present to the readers.




Paradise of China's Hui People
Coming From the Silk Road
Three Major Festivals of the Hui People
Clothing and Diet
Hot-Water Kettle, "Major" and "Minor" Ablutions
Mosques in Ningxia
The Jew's Harp, Hua'er and Wushu
Prominent Hui Figures
The Mystery of the Ancient Kingdom of Westem Xia
Dangxiang Qiang and Western Xia
Li Yuanhao, Founder of the Western Xia Dynasty
Mystery of Western Xia Language and the Xia-Han Dictionary
Western Xia Tombs--Eastern Pyramids
Western Xia Customs
Western Xia Studies
Ancient Rock Paintings in Helan Mountains
Area With the Densest Distribution of Rock Paintings
Prehistoric Art Carved on Stones
Recapturing Life in Remote Antiquity
A Treasure House of Creativity in Ancient Times
Non-Official World Heritage
Human Information Awaiting Study
A Land Enriched by the Yellow River
Rich in Ancient Ruins and Cultural Relics
Network of Canals and Rivers
Tales of Liupan Mountains
Phoenix City--Yinchuan
The Miracle of Shapotou
Principal IntemationaI-Linked Organizations of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous
Region (NHAR)
Major International Travel Services of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
Hotels in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
