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定 价:¥98.00

作 者: 福建省人民政府新闻办公室
出版社: 外文
丛编项: 福建:山海交辉的文化福地
标 签: 地方文化

ISBN: 9787119043029 出版时间: 2006-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 251 字数:  


  It is easy to have a quick look at China's past and present, but it takes time to gain a panoramic knowledge of China. The "Panoramic China" series is meant to assist readers, especially those overseas, in this respect. Each volume in the series focuses on a province, municipality or autonomous region, describing, with illustrations, the outstanding characteristics of each area from different perspectives.Fujian, lying between mountains and sea, is a beautiful, indeed a uniquely favored place.The verdant Wuyi Mountain rising in the north of Fujian, has the steepness and grandeur of Mount Huangshan, plus the prettiness and elegance of Guilin’s mountains and waters. It is the most magnificent in Southeast China. Its extraordinary beauty brought into being the Neo-Confucian school of idealist philosophy under the great master Zhu xi; the mountain-dwelling She people, and the Hakka people respecting the culture, customs and traditions of the Central Plains each have their unique mountain culture. The Wuyi Mountain, representative of Fujian mountain culture was honored by the United Nations as a World Natural and Cultural Heritage site.Fujian’s indented 3,300-km-long coast-line also created a typical maritime culture, represented by Citong Port and Mawei Shipyard. In particular, Xiamen, a garden city located at the southern extremely of Fujian, poised between blue sky and green sea, and its famous Gulangyu Islet with its rare flowers, winds and sea waves, together witnessed the humiliations of modern China’s history. As a place where the cultures of East and West joined together, it absorbed many aspects of Western civilization, which enriched the province’s maritime culture. Now, the garden city of Xiamen, with its culture, openness and beauty, has become one of the world’s most congenial cities for living in.




Multi-Faceted Fujian
Where Was the Starting Point of
Fujian Civilization?
1-he Short but Eventful History of Minyue
Birthplace of Zhu Xi's Neo-Confu-cianism
The Cult of Mazu the Sea Goddess
Start of the Maritime Silk Road
Starting Point of Zheng He's Voyages
Cradle of Modern Shipbuilding and Navigation
The Hakka -- Upholders of Orthodoxy
The She People -- Sons of the
Mountain and Forest
Across the Narrow Straits
Bringing Home the Fruits of Prosperity
I Major Agencies
II Climate
III Major Hotels Catering to Over-
seas Visitors
IV Fujian Tourist Map
