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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语工业工程专业英语



定 价:¥29.00

作 者: 周跃进、任秉银
出版社: 机械工业出版社
丛编项: 21世纪工业工程专业规划教材
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787111199113 出版时间: 2006-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 346 字数:  


  本书针对工业工程专业本科生的英文学习要求,结合工业工程专业知识体系,精选其核心内容,题材广泛,涉及工业工程专业各领域知识。其目的是让工业工程专业学生熟悉并掌握工业工程专业英文词汇,能够熟练阅读英文专业书籍和论文,提高英文写作能力。全书一共十三章,涵盖几乎所有工业工程专业基础和专业主干课?蹋谌莅ǎ汗ひ倒こ谈攀觯ぷ餮芯浚òǚ椒ㄑ芯亢妥饕挡舛ǎ圃煜低常裣低常苹肟刂疲锪鞴こ蹋艘蚬こ蹋柿抗芾恚芾硇畔⑾低常肆ψ试垂芾恚萍嘉南准焖鳎萍嘉南追牒涂萍嘉南仔醋鳌1臼槟谌菥谟⑽脑娼滩幕∩献隽烁谋嗷蚋男矗云渲幸恍┠丫渥髁俗⑹突蚋顺隽瞬慰家胛摹H槭章加⑽淖ㄒ荡驶愫痛首槲灏俣嗵酰槟┗垢接写罅抗ひ倒こ套ㄒ笛巴疽约肮庵ひ倒こ萄跫把芯炕雇竞筒慰嘉南住?. 本书可作为高等学校工业工程专业本科生教材,也可作为工业工程专业人士的参考读物。...




Chapter 1 Introduction to Industrial Engineering
Unit 1 Introduction to Industrial Engineering
Unit 2 History of Industrial Engineering
Unit 3 Academic Disciplines of Industrial Engineering
Unit 4 Development of Industrial Engineering
Chapter 2 Work Study
Unit 1 Method Study
Unit 2 Time Study
Unit 3 Time Measurement Methods
Unit 4 Work Sampling
Chapter 3 Manufacturing Systems
Unit 1 Introduction to Manufacturing Systems
Unit 2 Advanced Manufacturing Systems
Unit 3 Manufacturing Suppoa Systems
Chapter 4 Service Systems。
Unit 1 Introduction to Service Systems
Unit 2 Service Quality
Chapter 5 Production Planning and Control
Unit 1 The Main Idea of Production Planning
Unit 2 Manufacturing Resources Planning
Unit 3 One Example of Production Scheduling Simulation
Chapter 6 Logistics Engineering
Unit 1 Introduction to Logistics
Unit 2 Inventory Management
Unit 3 Procurement and Warehousing
Unit 4 Packaging and Materials Handling
Unit 5 Supply Chain Management
Chapter 7 Ergonomics
Unit 1 hitroduction to Ergonomics
Unit 2 Physiological and Psychological Activities of Human
Chapter 8 Quality Management
Unit 1 Quality Standards and Quality Control
Unit 2 Quality Management and Quality Cost
Chapter 9 Management Information Systems
Unit 1 Introduction to Management Information Systems
Unit 2 Systems Analysis
Unit 3 Systems Design
Unit 4 Testing and Evaluating to Systems Performance
Chapter 10 Human Resources Management
Unit 1 Organizational Design
Unit 2 Performance Measurement
Chapter 11 ScienceTechnology Literature Search
Unit 1 Introduction to Literature
Unit 2 Methods of doing Literature Search
Chapter 12 Scientific Literature Translation
Chapter 13 Scientific Papers Writing
Professional Words and Expressions
