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定 价:¥19.00

作 者: 邹心胜
出版社: 国防工业出版社
标 签: 听力

ISBN: 9787118047370 出版时间: 2006-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32 页数: 314 字数:  


  本书是《大学英语自主听力教程》的第三册,共15个单元,含有青春时尚、旅游度假、广告、交通运输、成功与失败、神话传说、电脑、媒体报纸、住房、商业、友谊、身体语言、犯罪和暴力、风俗和休闲等主题内容。每单元都包括Warm-up Exercises、Jogging Exercises、Running Exercises、Dashing Exercises、Relaxing Exercises 5个部分,配有对话、短文、相关练习及自测题。参考答案和录音文稿附于书后,便于读者自行掌握并调节进度,高效率地提高听力理解能力。本书主要供各类大专院校一年级学生及英语自修者使用,同时也可供那些渴望提高英语听力的高年级学生及研究生采用。




Unit One Youth and Fashion

Part A Warm-up Exercises Lost Youth
Part B Jogging Exercises
Dialogue Fashion in the Life
Part C Running Exercises
Passage One Youth and Fashion
Passage Two The Lost Lamb
Part D Dashing Exercises Lifestyles: Low-fat Dieting!
Part E Relaxing Exercises
Song Superman

Unit Two Norms and Customs

Part A Warm-up Exercises Christmas Traditions
Part B Jogging Exercises
Dialogue Explanations to Some Origins of
Part C Running Exercises
Passage One Tea-drinking
Passage Two Inviting and Entertaining Guests
Part D Dashing Exercises Social Customs
Part E Relaxing Exercises
Poem A Psalm of Life

Unit Three Advertisement

Part A Warm-up Exercises Advertisement Slogans
Part B Jogging Exercises
Dialogue Hawaii International Spring Film Festival
Part C Running Exercises
Passage One Advertising
Passage Two Public Interest Advertising
Part D Dashing Exercises Language in Advertising
Part E Relaxing Exercises
Song Yesterday Once More

Unit Four Leisure and Entertainment

Part A Warm-up Exercises Anecdotes
Part B Jogging Exercises
Dialogue At Travel Agency
Part C Running Exercises
Passage One Leisure and the Elderly Citizens
Passage Two Car Ownership
Part D Dashing Exercises No Woman Can Do Without It
Part E Relaxing Exercises
Poem Fire and Ice

Unit Five Success and Failure

Part A Warm-up Exercises General "Don't Quit"
Part B Jogging Exercises
Dialogue Chatting
Part C Running Exercises
Passage One Charlie Chaplin
Passage Two Becoming Open to Others
Part D Dashing Exercises Self-assessment
Part E Relaxing Exercises
Proverbs and Sayings
Test Paper One

Unit Six Myth and Legend

Part A Warm-up Exercises Folk Tales
Part B Jogging Exercises
Dialogue American Holidays
Part C Running Exercises
Passage One Why a Zebra Has Stripes
Passage Two How the Sky Came to Be
Part D Dashing Exercises Myth, Folktale and Legend
Part E Relaxing Exercises
Song Air Supply--The Power of Love

Unit Seven Computers

Part A Warm-up Exercises Predictions
Part B Jogging Exercises
Dialogue An Interview
Part C Running Exercises
Passage One Computer Chip Thefts Grow
Passage Two Intemet Users Increase in China
Part D Dashing Exercises Challenges for a Webbed Society
Part E Relaxing Exercises
Poem A Poem for Every Day

Unit Eight Crhne and Violence

Part A Warm-up Exercises Stories
Part B Jogging Exercises
Dialogue Bank Robbery
Part C Running Exercises
Passage One Rural Crime
Passage Two Computer Criminals
Part D Dashing Exercises Intemet Crime
Part E Relaxing Exercises
Poem She Walks in Beauty

Unit Nine Housing

Part A Warm-up Exercises An Introduction
Part B Jogging Exercises
Dialogue A Room to Rent
Part C Running Exercises
Passage One A Beautiful Building
Passage Two Classroom Arrangement
Part D Dashing Exercises Intelligent Building
Part E Relaxing Exercises
Poem Teacher's Prayer
Unit Ten Business
Part A Warm-up Exercises China's Top Nine Trade Partners
Part B Jogging Exercises
Dialogue A Conversation between Colleagues
Part C Running Exercises
Passage One Why Is McDonald's Popular
Passage Two The New Consumerism
Part D Dashing Exercises Unemployment and Job Creation
Part E Relaxing ExerCises
Song The Greatest Love of All

Unit Eleven Friends and Friendship

Part A Warm-up Exercises Sayings
Part B Jogging Exercises
Dialogue Talking about Friends
Part C Running Exercises
Passage One. Building Friendship
Passage Two Not Judge a Book by Cover
Part D Dashing Exercises Friendship
Part E Relaxing Exercises
Song Because I Love You
Unit-Twelve Body Language
Part A Warm-up Exercises Body Language in Different Countries
Part B Jogging Exercises
Dialogue The Concerns of University Students
Part C Running Exercises
Passage One Subtle Lexicon of Body Language
Passage Two Understanding the Body Language
Makes Things Work Better
Part D Dashing Exercises Interesting Body Languages
Part E Relaxing Exercises
Poem Red Rose

Unit Thirteen Media and Newspapers

Part A Warm-up Exercises Quotations
Part B Jogging Exercises
Dialogue Talking abo.ut Magazines and
Part C Running Exercises
Passage One Newspaper Development in America
Passage Two New Media Frighten News~ Executives
Part D Dashing Exercises The Development of Mass Media
Part E Relaxing Exercises
Poem The Flight of Youth

Unit Fourteen Holidays and Tourism

Part A Warm-up Exercises Chinese Traditional Festivals
Part B Jogging Exercises
Dialogue Tourism in Eritrea
Part C Running Exercises
Passage One Holidays in Finland
Passage Two Thai People and Their Origin
Part D Dashing Exercises National Holidays
Part E Relaxing Exercises
Poem When You Are Old

Unit Fifteen Transportation

Part A Warming-up Exercises The Development of Vehicles
Part B Jogging Exercises
Dialogue Mini-conversations
Part C Running Exercises
Passage One Transportation and Inventions
Passage Two Manhattan Island
Part D Dashing Exercises Transportation Planning
Part E Relaxing Exercises
Song This Masquerade
Test Paper Three
Tapescripts and Key
