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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语读物北京寺庙道观(英文版)



定 价:¥58.00

作 者: 削晓明 策划,廖频、兰佩瑾 编
出版社: 外文出版社
标 签: 英语读物

ISBN: 9787119043883 出版时间: 2006-08-01 包装: 铜版纸
开本: 页数: 112 字数:  


  The Work si, which is translated as “temple” or “monastery”, originally meant a government office. With heavily guarded splendid buildings, it enjoyed the status next only to the imperial palace. A place where the image of Buddha was enshrined was deemed as sacred as a si. This is how temple came into being.Tanzhe Temple was first Buddhist temple built in the Beijing area.




The Temples of Beijing
Tanzhe Temple
Hongluo Temple
Tianning Temple
Statue Dating from the Northern Wei Dynasty
Yunju Temple
Badachu in the Western Hills
Jietai Temple
Cliff Carvings in Stone Buddha Village
Fire God Shrine
Recumbent Buddha Temple
Fayuan Temple
The Thousand Buddha Hall
Baiyun Monastery
Niujie Mosque
Dajue Monastery
Baoguo Monastery
Dayansheng Monastery
Miaoying Monastery
Longquan Monastery
Huguo Monastery
Ruiyun Nunnery, Diamond Pagoda
Confucius Temple
Cibei Nunnery
Biyun Temple
Guanghua Temple
Fahia Temple XZhihua Temple
Long‘an Temple
Guangji Temple Dahui Temple
Cishou Temple
Wanshou Temple Tongjiao Temple
Cishan Temple
Pudu Temple
Yong’an Monastery
Yonghe Lamasery
Xihuang Temple
Fuyou Temple
Juesheng Temple
Emperor Worship Temple
