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作 者: 束光辉
出版社: 北方交通大学出版社
丛编项: 新体验商务英语系列教材
标 签: 进出口

ISBN: 9787810827720 出版时间: 2006-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 226 字数:  






Chapter 1 International Trade
1.1 Concept of international Trade
1.2 Reasons for International Trade
1.3 Benefits of international Trade
1.4 international Trade Restrictions
1.5 Invisible Trade
Chapter 2 International Trade Theory
2.1 Mercantilism
2.2 Absolute Advantage
2.3 Comparative Advantage
2.4 Heckscher-Ohlin Theory
2.5 The Product Life-cycle Theory
2.6 The New Trade Theory
2.7 National Competitive Advantage: Porter's Diamond
2.8 Implications for Business
Chapter 3 International Payment
3.1 Payment Instruments of International Trade
3.2 Five Basic methods of Payment
Chapter 4 The Letter of Credit(Ⅰ)
4.1 The Major Contents of the L/C
4.2 Parties to the Transaction
4.3 Details on Procedures
4.4 Conformity with the Documentary Credit
4.5 How to Handle Documentary Discrepqncies
4.6 Regarding the Role of Banks
4.7 Limitations with Documentary Credits
Chapter 5 The Letter of Credit(Ⅱ)
Chapter 6 Terms of Delivery
Chapter 7 Business Contract
Chapter 8 Import and Export Documentation
Chapter 9 Description of Commodities and Their Packing
Chapter 10 International Cargo Transportation
Chapter 11 Insurance(Ⅰ)
Chapter 12 Insurance(Ⅱ)
Chapter 13 Inspection,Claim,Force Majeure and Arbitration
Chapter 14 Import and Export Procedures
