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定 价:¥29.80

作 者: 陈葵阳、孟艾萍
出版社: 安徽大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787811102017 出版时间: 2006-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 290 字数:  






Unit 1
Passage 1 English Language
Passage 2 Talking Without Sound
Passage 3 1066 and All That
Passage 4 Why English7
Unit 2
Passage 5 Intelligence
Passage 6 Intelligence Tests
Passage 7 How to Study
Passage 8 Learning to Keep You Cool during Tests
Unit 3
Passage 9 Energy
Passage 10 Oil Exploitation
Passage 11 Petrol
Passage 12 Atom
Unit 4
Passage 13 Breakfast and Human Health
Passage 14 Will It Matter if I Skip Breakfast?
Passage 15 Healthy Eating
Passage 16 A Carrot a Day May Keep Cancer Away
Unit 5
Passage 17 Nursing
Passage 18 A Cold or Flu?
Passage 19 A New Doctor's Dilemma
Passage 20 The Red Cross
Unit 6
Passage 21 Child Learns to Speak
Passage 22 What Makes Babies Learn?
Passage 23 Preschool Education
Passage 24 What Can a Child Do at Five
Unit 7
Passage 25 Adult Education in the U.S.
Passage 26 School without Walls
Passage 27 Correspondence Schools in the U. S.
Passage 28 The World-Famous Universities
Unit 8
Passage 29 Business
Passage 30 The Changing Shape of British Industry
Passage 31 How Britain's Parliament (议会) Makes New Laws
Passage 32 The Underclass--An Open Wound in Society's Belly
Unit 9
Passage 33 Population Control
Passage 34 Environmental Pollution
Passage 35 Views of the Future
Passage 36 Industry and the Environment
Unit 10
Passage 37 Iceberg
Passage 38 The Beauty of Clouds
Passage 39 Gifts of the Nile
Passage 40 The Sunspot Connection
Unit 11
Passage 41 The High Cost of Living
Passage 42 Aging
Passage 43 Mind Your Manners
Passage 44 The Culture of “Lead Time”
Unit 12
Passage 45 The Romans and the Arabs
Passage 46 Brazil--A Success at Reducing Population Growth
Passage 47 Take Care, America. ~
Passage 48 Memories of Afghanistan
Unit 13
Passage 49 Teachers and Actors
Passage 50 From Song to Sound
Passage 51 The Deaf Composer
Passage 52 I. M. Pei
Unit 14
Passage 53 Starting Your Own Business
Passage 54 Self-Sufficiency
Passage 55 Paying Your Way
Passage 56 Working Your Way around the World
Unit 15
Passage 57 Computer and Brain
Passage 58 Can Computing Machines Think?
Passage 59 Electronic Mail Brings Business Closer Together ~
Passage 60 Can Computers Replace People?
Unit 16
Passage 61 How to Acquire Reading Ability?
Passage 62 Read Good Books
Passage 63 What Is a Good Reader?
Passage 64 Reading--the Most Important Way to Learn English ~
Unit 17
Passage 65 Space Telescope
Passage 66 First Planet from the Sun
Passage 67 The U.S. Space Shuttle
Passage 68 E.T. —A Fairy Tale of the Space Age
Unit 18
Passage 69 Brave New World of Biometrics
Passage 70 Black Box Tells Its Secrets
Passage 71 Cloning
Passage 72 Black Holes
Unit 19
Passage 73 Women in the Workforce
Passage 74 Feminine Force
Passage 75 Men and Women
Passage 76 Women
Unit 20
Passage 77 The Fun and Excitement of "Reality"
Passage 78 Family Rituals
Passage 79 The Jeaning of America and the World
Passage 80 The Thanksgiving Story
Unit 1
Passage 1 Market Economy
Passage 2 Economic Growth
Passage 3 The Euromarket
Unit 2
Passage 4 The U.S. as an Industrial Giant
Passage 5 Development of the U. S. Business (I)
Passage 6 Development of the U. S. Business (II)
Unit 3
Passage 7 US-China Trade
Passage 8 US-Japan Trade
Passage 9 Investment and Consumption
Unit 4
Passage 10 What, How, and for Whom in the Market Economy
Passage 11 How Is Inflation Measured?
Passage 12 Raising the Money You Need
Unit 5
Passage 13 On Guard against Advertising
Passage 14 Advertising and Economic Development
Passage 15 Advantages of Personal Selling
Unit 6
Passage 16 Product Utilities
Passage 17 Homers Department Stores
Passage 18 Banking on a Brand
Unit 7
Passage 19 Import and Export in the Late 1990s
Passage 20 International Trading Processes to Be Simplified?
Passage 21 Anti-dumping Regulations
Unit 8
Passage 22 A Smart Move or an Error
Passage 23 The IBM Way
Passage 24 The IBM Culture
Unit 9
Passage 25 Why Nations Trade
Passage 26 Problems with Letter of Credit
Passage 27 Why Documentation is Necessary
Unit 10
Passage 28 How Money Came into Being
Passage 29 Barter, Coins, and Cash
Passage 30 Money Tomorrow
Unit 11
Passage 31 Marketing Myopia
Passage 32 Reebok and Its Shoes
Passage 33 Market Research
Unit 12
Passage 34 Patent
Passage 35 Benefits of Patent
Passage 36 Fighting Back with Patent Power
Unit 13
Passage 37 Who Controls the Corporation?
Passage 38 Government's role in Free Market Economy
Passage 39 Business Forms and Their Liabilities for Debts
Unit 14
Passage 40 Primary and Secondary Labor Market
Passage 41 Staff Appraisals--More Trouble Than They're Worth?
Passage 42 The Money Persuader
Unit 15
Passage 43 Why Tax Is Necessary
Passage 44 Reagan's Tax Reform
Passage 45 Income Tax and Life Insurance
Unit 16
Passage 46 Money Transfer
Passage 47 Telephone Banking
Passage 48 Credit Cards
Unit 17
Passage 49 Insurance
Passage 50 Ocean Marine Insurance
Passage 51 Bill of Lading
Unit 18
Passage 52 Exchange Rates
Passage 53 Foreign Exchange Trading
Passage 54 The Mexican Financial Crises
Unit 19
Passage 55 Stocks and Shares
Passage 56 Women in Stock Exchange
Passage 57 Securities Markets
Unit 20
Passage 58 The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund
Passage 59 What Is in a Name?
Passage 60 Multi-national Corporation
Key to Units
