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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络数据库其他数据库数据库、类型和关系模型(英文版·第3版)



定 价:¥65.00

作 者: (英)戴特(Date,C.J.) 等著
出版社: 机械工业出版社
丛编项: 经典原版书库
标 签: 数据库存储与管理

ISBN: 9787111201687 出版时间: 2007-01-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 170*242 页数: 556 字数:  


  《数据库.类型和关系模型(英文版 第3版)》指出了数据和数据库管理系统未来的发展方向,对抽象数据模型给出了一种精确的、正规的定义。这种定义被认为是DBMS和数据库语言的基础。这一基本概念的提出虽然不是一项颠覆性的变革,但它代表了一个发展阶段。它建立在Ted Codd数据关系模型和Codd研究成果的基础上,包含了对数据类型定义方法的精确而全面的规范。因此,《数据库.类型和关系模型(英文版 第3版)》不仅重新定义了关系模型,在必要的地方做了解释,而且还提出了关系模型所依赖的数据类型的正交问题。《数据库.类型和关系模型(英文版 第3版)》为DBMS未来的发展奠定了坚实的基础,是学习数据库的学生和相关专业人员的必要读物。


  C.J.Date,1962年、1966年在英国剑桥大学获得数学学士、硕士学位,1994年在英国Moritfort大学获得博士学位。他是关系数据库系统方面非常著名的独立撰稿人、学者、研究者和顾问,是最早认识到Codd在关系模型方面所做的开创性贡献的学者之一,参与了IBM产品(SQL/DS和DB 2)的技术规划。Date发表了300多篇数据库方面的技术性文章和研究论文,对数据库理论的发展做出了巨大的贡献。特别是《数据库系统导论》一书,这是数据库领域的标准教材,已在全球发行了近75万册。Hugh Darwen 1967-2004年间一直在IBM软件开发中心工作。在他职业生涯的早期阶段,他参与了DBMS的研究与开发。在1978—1982年间,他是IBM Business System 12的主要架构师之一。从1988年起。他是SOL国际标准制订工作的积极参与者。他是一位学者,同时也是英国Warwick大学和Open大学的课程开发顾问。


Preface .  vii  
Chapter 1  Background and Overview  
The Third Manifesto  
Back to the relational future  
Some guiding principles  
Some crucial logical differences  
Concluding remarks  
Chapter 2 A Survey of the Relational Model  
The running example  
Relation variables  
Relvars, relations, and predicates  
Integrity constraints  
Relational operators  
Virtual relvars  
The relational model  
Chapter 3 Toward a Theory of Types  
Values are typed  
Types vs. representations  
Scalar vs. nonsealar types  
Possible representations  
Selectors and THE_ operators  
System-defined types  
Type generators  
Concluding remarks  
Chapter 4 The Third Manifesto  
RM Prescriptions  
RM Proscriptions  
OO Prescriptions  
OO Proscriptions  
RM Very Strong Suggestions  
OO Very Strong Suggestions  
Recent Manifesto changes  
Chapter 5 Tutorial D  
Common constructs  
Scalar definitions  
Tuple definitions  
Relational definitions  
S alara operations  
Tuple operations  
Relational operations  
Relations and arrays  
Recent language changes  
A remark on syntax  
Chapter 6 RM Prescriptions  
RM Prescription 1: Scalar types  
RM Pres ription 2: Scalar values are typed  
RM Pres ription 3: Read-only vs. update operators  
RM Pres ription 4: Physical vs. possible representations  
RM Pres ription 5: Expose possible representations  
RM Pres ription 6: Type generator TUPLE  
RM Pres ription 7: Type generator RELATION  
RM Pres ription 8: Equality  
RM Pres ription 9: Tuples  
RM Pres ription 10: Relations  
RM Pres ription 11: Scalar variables  
RM Pres ription 12: Tuple variables  
RM Pres ription 13: Relation variables (relvars)  
RM Pres ription 14: Kinds of relvars  
RM Pres ription 15: Candidate keys  
RM Pres ription 16: Databases  
RM Pres ription 17: Transa tions  
RM Pres ription 18: Relational algebra  
RM Pres ription 19: Relvar names, relation selectors, and recursion  
RM Pres ription 20: User-defined tuple and relational operators  
RM Pres ription 21: Assignments  
RM Pres ription 22: Comparisons  
RM Pres ription 23: Integrity constraints  
RM Pres ription 24: Total database constraints  
RM Pres ription 25: Catalog  
RM Pres ription 26: Language design  
Chapter 7 RM Proscriptions  
RM Proscription 1: No attribute ordering  
RM Proscription 2: No tuple ordering  
RM Proscription 3: No duplicate tuples  
RM Proscription 4: No nulls  
RM Proscription 5: No nullologi at mistakes  
RM Proscription 6: No internal-level constru ts  
RM Prosciption 7: No tuple-level coperations  
RM Proscription 8: No composite attributes  
RM Proscription 9: No domain check override  
RM Proscription 10: Not SQL  
Chapter 8 OO Prescriptions  
OO Prescription 1: Compile-time type checking  
OO Prescription 2: Type inheritance (conditional)  
OO Prescription 3: Computational completeness  
OO Prescription 4: Explicit transaction boundaries  
OO Prescription 5: Nested transactions  
OO Prescription 6: Aggregate operators and empty sets  
Chapter 9 OO Proscriptions  
OO Proscription 1: Relvars are not domains  
OO Proscription 2: No object IDs  
Chapter 10 RM Very Strong Suggestions  
RM Very Strong Suggestion 1: System keys  
RM Very Strong Suggestion 2: Foreign keys  
RM Very Strong Suggestion 3: Candidate key inferen e  
RM Very Strong Suggestion 4: Transition constraints  
RM Very Strong Suggestion 5: Quota queries  
RM Very Strong Suggestion 6: Generalized transitive closure  
RM Very Strong Suggestion 7: User-defined generi operators  
RM Very Strong Suggestion 8: SQL migration  
Exercises ..  
Chapter 11 OO Very Strong Suggestions  
OO Very Strong Suggestion 1: Type inheritance  
OO Very Strong Suggestion 2: Types and operators unbundled  
OO Very Strong Suggestion 3: Single-level store  
Chapter 12 Preliminaries  
Toward a type inheritance model  
Single vs. multiple inheritance  
Scalars, tuples, and relations  
The running example  
Concluding remarks  
Chapter 13 The Inheritan e Model  
IM Prescriptions  
Recent inheritan e model changes  
Chapter 14 Single Inheritan e with Scalar Types  
IM Prescription 1: Types are sets  
IM Prescription 2: Subtypes are subsets  
IM Prescription 3: "Subtype of" is reflexive  
IM Prescription 4: Proper subtypes  
IM Prescription 5: "Subtype of" is transitive  
IM Prescription 6: Immediate subtypes  
IM Prescription 7: Root types disjoint  
IM Prescription 8: Scalar values with inheritance  
IM Prescription 9: Scalar variables With inheritance  
IM Prescription 10: Specialization by constraint  
IM Prescription 11: Assignment with inheritance  
IM Prescription 12: Bquality etc . with inheritance  
IM Prescription 13: Join etc . with inheritanc e  
IM Prescription 14: TREAT  
IM Prescription 15: Type testing  
IM Prescription 16: Read-only operator inheritanc e and value substitutability  
IM Prescription 17: Operator signatures  
IM Prescription 18: Read-only parameters to update operators  
IM Prescription 19: Update operator inheritan e and variable substitutability  
IM Prescription 20: Union, dummy, and maximal and minimal types  
Exerc ises  
Chapter 15 Multiple Inheritance with Scalar Types  
An introductory example  
Type graphs  
Least specifi types unique  
Most specifi types unique  
Remarks on operator inheritance  
Chapter 16 Inheritance with Tuple and Relation Types  
IM Prescription 21: Tuple/relation subtypes and supertypes  
IM Prescription 22: Tuple/relation values with inheritance  
IM Prescription 23: Maximal and minimal tuple/relation types  
IM Prescription 24: Tuple/relation most spe ifi types  
IM Prescription 25: Tuple/relation variables with inheritance  
Some implications of IM Prescriptions 21-25  
Appendix  A A New Relational Algebra  
Motivation and justification  
Treating operators as relations  
Formal definitions  
How Tutorial D builds on A  
Appendix B A Design Dilemma?  
Further considerations  
Appendix C Types and Units  
Type definition  
THE_ operators  
Computational operators  
Display operators  
Type constraints  
A more complex example  
Appendix D What Is a Database?  
Updating the database  
Databases vs. tuples  
Appendix E View Updating  
Date's appoa h  
Assumptions and notation  
A loser look at relational assignment  
A model of updating  
A loser look at constraints  
Updating restrictions  
Updating intersections  
Updating unions  
Updating differences  
Nested updates  
Updating extensions  
Updating joins  
Updating projections  
Some remarks on orthogonality  
A remark on multiple assignment  
Darwen's approach  
Appendix F A Closer Look at Specialization by Constraint  
The 3 out of 4 "rule"  
What does inheritance really mean?  
Benefits of S by C  
What about objects?  
Implementation considerations  
Appendix G A Closer Look at Structural Inheritance  
An introductory example  
Tuple types, values, and variables  
Subtables and supertables  
Scalar types revisited  
Structural inheritance with fewer tears  
Appendix H A Comparison with SQL  
RM Prescriptions  
RM Proscriptions  
OO Prescriptions  
OO Proscriptions  
RM Very Strong Suggestions  
OO Very Strong Suggestions  
IM Pres riptions  
Appendix I A Grammar for Tutorial D  
Appendix J References and Bibliography  
