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定 价:¥13.60

作 者: 潘丽
出版社: 哈工大
标 签: 休闲读物

ISBN: 9787560323831 出版时间: 2006-09-01 包装: 简裝本
开本: 32开 页数: 243 字数:  






part 1 bar jokes
1 so did i
2 buying olives
3 a five dollar tip
4 drinking in a hurry
5 that's not my dog
6 you looked a lot like my wife
7 i have a magical dancing duck
8 one day in the basement
9 when to go home
10 on the buses
11 making a bet at a bar
12 the wife is not speaking to me
13 that's beer logic
14 someone stole things from me
15 having less
16 so you think you're tough
17 inheritance blues
18 without being crippled
19 the charm offensive
20 i must be drunk
21 it doesn't add up
22 a carrot in his ear
23 when does the bar open
24 the unhappy wife
25 under the streetlight
26 the deaf drunks
27 my girliend is out in the car
part 2 school jokes
part 3 police jokes
part 4 medical jokes
part 5 religious jokes
part 6 family jokes
part 7 army jokes
part 8 children jokes
part 9 shopping jokes
part 10 animal jokes
part 11 other jokes
