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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科社会科学民族学西藏贵族世家:1900-1951



定 价:¥138.00

作 者: 次仁央宗 著,邵达,李金慧,刘浚 译
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
标 签: 英语读物


ISBN: 9787508509372 出版时间: 2006-06-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 16 页数: 272 字数:  


  Tsering Yangdzom, born in Lhasa, is a researchfellow with the Institute of Social Economy, ChinaTibetology Research Center. She is co-author ofSeries of General Survey of China." Lhasa, Vicis-situdes of Families in Tibet Over the Past 40 Years,Life of Luou District Residents in Lhasa, SocialConformation of Tibetan Feudal Serfdom, andSurvey and Research Concerning Tibet's Com-merce and Handicraft Industry. She has also pub-lished a number of academic papers including"Basic Conditions and Development of Educationin Lhasa," "Education Issues During the EconomicDevelopment in the River Basins of Yalu Tsangpo,Lhasa and Nyang Qu," "The Formation and Evo-lution of Bkr-shis-lhun-po-dgon in TashilhunpoMonastery," "Pottery Art in Tibet," "Concerning theAristocratic Families in Tibetan History," "TheLhasa Aristocracy's Custom of Celebrating the Lu-nar New Year in Old Tibet," and "Marriage andFamilies of the Aristocracy in Old Tibet."




area of study
source of data
part one: group image of the aristocracy in a hierarchical society
chapter Ⅰthe dominant yab-gzhis families
section 1 from the first to the sixth dalai lama
section 2 the seventh dalai lama and his family
section 3 the deification of yab-gzhis families
section 4 a case study: continuation of the lhalu lineage
chapter Ⅱ the sde-dpon families of noble descent
section i epitome of the aristocracy
section 2 prominent families
section 3 a case study: the phalha family
chapter Ⅲ authority arising from mi-drag families
section i hierarchical changes in a stagnant society
section 2 concept of honor
section 3 struggling for aristocratic status
chapter Ⅳ general aristocratic families
section i aspiring for power and honor
section 2 in persistent pursuit of opportunities
section 3 peaceful mind in boundless changes
section 4 adhering to the past and relaxing in the present
part two: tibetan aristocrats who stress 'location'
chapter Ⅴ the solid wall of family
section i components and honors of aristocratic society
section 2 family structures: polyandry and polygamy
section 3 basic family structure and aristocrats' residences
section 4 emotional relations among family members and subordinates
chapter Ⅵ the contract of marriage and the status of women
section i matrimonial concepts and matrimonial relationships
section 2 boundary and limits of marriage
section 3 romantic forms, stiff content
section 4 women's position revealed in marriage
chapter Ⅶ children's upbringing
section i concept of samsara and family affections
section 2 upbringing of the children of the nobles
section 3 childhood -- first step into society
section 4 relations between individuals, family and society
chapter Ⅷ life of the aristocracy
section i etiquette and religious enthusiasm
section 2 tibetan new year celebration: religious and secular
section 3 food and attire
section 4 gone with the wind
