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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语大学英语阅读教程(第二册)



定 价:¥25.00

作 者: 邸爱英主编
出版社: 电子科技
丛编项: 大学英语促学助考系列教材
标 签: 阅读

ISBN: 9787811142495 出版时间: 2006-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 23cm 页数: 297 字数:  






Unit 1 Learn to Respect Eacfi Otfier
Text A The Little Girl Who Dared to Wish
Text B Learning to Love Yourself.

Unit 2 Growing Ofac
TextA Aging Gracefully
Text B In Praise of Older Women

Unit 3 Cfianges in Language and Society
TextA Does IM Make U Dum?
Text B Were the "Good Old Days" Really So Good?

Unit 4 Success
Text A Wanting to Find Success
Text B Advice to Youth, About 1882

Unit 5 Motfierfiooac
Text A What Motherhood Really Means
Text B Mom's Definitions

Unit 6 Coffege Life
Text A The Geography of English 102
Text B The Myth of College

Unit 7 Reading Classics
Text A Literature: Why Read the Classics?
Text B The Classics: Made, not Born (Continued)

Unit 8 Praise or Criticism
Text A Accused of Plagiarism-My Highest Compliment
Text B My Iron-willed Grandmother

Unit 9 Science and Technofogy
Text A The 19th-Century Internet
Text B The Right Technology: No-teeh, Low-tech, or High-tech

Unit 10 Money Problem
Text A The Pickle Jar
Text B Problems of Life -- Money

Unit11 Environment and Delovment
Text A A More Human Technology
Text B A More Human Technology (Continued)

Unit 12 Entertainment
Text A Hollywood Digital Moment
Text B At Most Schools, Harry Potter Doesn't Make the Cut

Unit 13 Courtesy
Text A We Are a Nation in Rude Health
Text B Why Manners Matter

Unit 14 Tile Internet
Text A Born Yesterday
Text B I Love It

Unit 15 Mass Media
TextA Media Sycophants
Text B Def'ming Freedom of the Press
