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定 价:¥7.00

作 者: 刘上扶
出版社: 中国青年出版社,新民主出版社
丛编项: 迎奥运随身带英语丛书
标 签: 口语

ISBN: 9787500645382 出版时间: 2001-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 64 页数: 287 字数:  






Unit 1 greetings and Introductions 问候与介绍
Unit 2 At home and abroad 在国内外
Unit 3 Requests and wishes 请求与愿望
Unit 4 Gratitude and confirmation 感激与赞成
Unit 5 Refusal and disagreement 拒绝与不同意
Unit 6 Apology and regret 道歉与遗憾
Unit 7 Congratulations and wishes 祝贺与祝愿
Unit 8 At the customs 在海关
Unit 9 At the hotel 在旅馆
Unit 10 Sightseeing 观光
Unit 11 At a reception 招待会
Unit 12 Visiting a university 参观大学
Unit 13 Visiting a friend 访友
Unit 14 Asking the way 问路
Unit 15 Asking about time and date 问时间和日期
Unit 16 At the post and telegraph office 在邮电局
Unit 17 Making a phone call 打电话
Unit 18 At the restaurant 在餐馆
Unit 19 Shopping 购物
Unit 20 Recreation 娱乐
Unit 21 Haircut and massage 理发与按摩
Unit 22 Seeing the doctor 看病
Unit 23 Travelling 旅行
Unit 24 Radio and television 广播与电视
Unit 25 Films and concerts 电影与音乐会
Unit 26 Sports 运动
Unit 27 Taiking about weather 谈天气
Unit 28 Talking about study 谈学习
Unit 29 Talking about work 谈工作
Unit 30 Talking about information 谈信息
Unit 31 Talking about languages 谈语言
Unit 32 Holidays and festivals 假日与节日
Unit 33 Describing people 描述人
Unit 34 Talking about family 谈家庭
Unit 35 Interview 面试
Unit 36 Talking about tests 谈考试
Unit 37 Talking about emotions 谈感情
Unit 38 Talking about viewpoint 谈观点
Unit 39 Making decisions 做决定
Unit 40 Countries and nationalities 国家与国籍
Unit 41 Entering the Internet 上互联网
Unit 42 Talking about price 谈价格
Unit 43 Talking about discount 谈折扣
Unit 44 Talking about contract 谈合同
Unit 45 Talking about joint venture 谈合资经营
