VOLUME 2004:1
Cay Dollerup
Journals,the Internet,and quality in research
Radegundis Stolze
Quality in academic text production
Luo Xianmin & Lei Hong
Translation theory and practice in China
Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Relay translation in subtitling
Katrine Brndsted & Cay Dollerup
The names in Harry Potter
Colin,Joan & Ruth Morris.1996.Interpreters and the Legal Process.
Vladimir Khairoulline,Russia
Hung,Eva(ed.).2002.Teaching Translation and Interpreting4:Building Bridges.
Sebnem Susam-Sarajeva,Unite Kingdom
Rose,Marilyn Gaddis(ed).2000.Beyond the Western Tradition.Translation Perspectives Ⅺ
Alla Podgornaya,Russia
VOLUME 2004:2
Heike Elisabeth Jungst
Japanese comics in Germany
Hu Gengshen ‘Translator-centredness’
VOLUME 2004:3
VOLUME 2004:4