WUSHU exercise for life enhancement, also calledWushu.Qigong or internal Wushu exercise, is a unique system for improving the internal conditions of the human body, thus benefiting the body and the mindand leading to a longer life. Physical combat and health promotion are the two essential aspects of Chinese Wushu. However, the latter is often neglected, stress being laid on the improvement of the muscles, the bones and the skin rather than the essence, the vital energy and the spirit. This book gives a systematic and condse mtroduaion to Chinese Wushu, describing its basic principles and major schools as well as providing detailed instruaions on how to practise it. In addition, the author has selected several basic exercises and clas-sic routines, which are well-coordinated, precise and easy to learn and praaise.According to the tradition of Chinese Wushu, "Learning the basic exercise goes before learning fist forms." "One who Iearns fist forms without praaising the'basic exerase will attain nothing in his lifetime." This book will help Wushu enthusiasts at home and abroad to gtasp the essence of Chinese Wushu for health building and improvement of the body's inner strength. It will therefore help them fully understand and praaise with success Wushu exercise for life en- hancement.FOREIGN LANGUAGES PRESS BEUING