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作 者: 程前光,刘金忠 主编
出版社: 哈尔滨工程大学
标 签: 英语与其他外语 综合


ISBN: 9787810737760 出版时间: 2006-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 177 字数:  






Unit 1
Part A How to Argue with Your Boss
Part B No Greater Love
Unit 2
Part A Rescuing Marriages Before They Begin
Part B Why We Love Who Love
Unit 3
Part A Personal Values:Professional Questions
Part B Generation X, You Are Breaking My Heart
Unit 4
Part A Caring for Our Children After a Tragedy
Part B Educating the Handicapped in the Regular Classroom
Unit 5
Part A Violence Contributing to Vast Growth in HIV/AIDS Among Women Worldwide, Report Finds
Part B Alone with a Madman
Unit 6
Part A Domestic Violence:A Crisis of Disconnection
Part B Sex,Betrayal and Murder
Unit 7
Part A Gamblers and Risk Takers:What's Luck Got to Do With it
Part B Just Trying to Be Cool
Unit 8
Part A Reflection on Social Work for Graduates
Part B Best Way to Quit Smoking
Unit 9
Part A Volunteering for the American Red Cross -- A First Experience
Part B Ace That Job Interview
Unit 10
Part A Graduate School Admissions:Writing an Effective Personal Statement
Part B How to Argue with Your Boss
Unit 11
Part A Expeas Concerned About Social Cost
Part B Help Your Child Excel-top Teachers Tell How
Unit 12
Part A To Once and Future Research Students
Part B What's Behind Success in School
Unit 13
Part A Center for Anxiety & Stress Treatment Jane's Story
Part B Are You Can Optimist.9
Unit 14
Part A Getting a Job in State Government
Part B These Teens Know How to Say No
Unit 15
Part A My First Week as a Social Worker
Part B What You Don't Know about Money and Happiness
