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作 者: (美)Jean H.Miculka
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社
丛编项: 高级实用英语系列教材
标 签: 口语与会话 普及性英语学习 英语与其他外语

ISBN: 9787300044156 出版时间: 2006-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 235 字数:  




  本书提供作译者介绍Jean H. Miculka is an Associate Professor Emerita from the Speech Communication Department at the University of Texas, El Paso. Her long career began as a radio announcer, attending classes at NBC. She graduated with an M.A. from Northwestern University's School of Speech and taught at the elementary through high school levels for 14 years. Relocating to Texas, she set up a speech program at Frank Phillips Junior College, then moved on to the U...


UNIT 1:Communicatin on All Channels
CHAPTER 1:You Are a Coded Communication Channel
Communication-Channels and Codes
Perception-Basis for Communication
Communication-The Process
Speech-A Part of the Process
Speech-The Basic Elements
Feedback-Aid to Communication Flow
Chapter Summary
Chapter Review
Can You Define These Terms?
Making Connections
Winning Edge:FBLA Public Speading!
CHAPTER 2:Speech Is an Orailanguage Code
The Power of Words
Language Levels
The Listener's Role
Chapter Summary
Chapter Review
Can You Define These Terms?
Making Connections
Winning Edge:BPA Extemporaneous Speech
CHAPTER 3:Paralanguage Flavors the Verbal Message
CHAPTER 4:Nonverbal Codes Send Silent Messages
UNIT 2:Communicating Person to Person
CHAPTER 5:Building Confidence
CHAPTER 6:Developing Interpersonal Skills
CHAPTER 7:Interviewing Effectively
UNIT 3:Group Communication
CHAPTER 8:Speaking in Groups
CHAPTER 9:Group Interaction
UNIT 4:Communicatioin with an Audience
CHAPTER 10:Designing a Message for an Audience
CHAPTER 11:Organizing and Supporting Ideas
CHAPTER 12:Polishing Your Presentatino
