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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术石油、天然气工业油气盆地数值模拟方法(英文)



定 价:¥82.00

作 者: 石广仁
出版社: 石油工业出版社
标 签: 天然气工业


ISBN: 9787502150877 出版时间: 2005-06-01 包装: 精装
开本: 16 页数: 338 字数:  


  Numerical simulation of petroliferous basins is a new technology developed in the past 25 years。 Based on petroleum geological techanism,it applies multi-disciplinary bkowledge to quantitatively simulate geohistory,geothermal history,hydrocarbon generation history,hydrocarbon expulsion history and hydrocarbon migration-accumulation history of an exploration area such as a basin,depression,sag and secondary sag so as to make an integrated evaluation and to indicate a favorable play for exploration。This book contains the introduction,the generality of basin modeling system,the principles,methods and applications of five models of geohistory,geothermal history (including diagenetic history),hydrocarbon generation history,hydrocarbon expulsion history and hydrocarbon migration accumulation history,the parameter sensitivity and risk analyses of basin modeling,the integrated analysis and evaluation on petroleum resources,as well as the basin modeling software technology。 In addition,the related exercises are attached in the end of each chapter from Chapter 1 to Chapter 10,and the answers to them are totally given in the end of the book。The book could be used as a textbook of undergraduate and graduate students majorring in petroleum geology,and also used by the scientists and engineers in the field of petoleum geology。




Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Generality of Basin Modeling System
Chapter 3 Geohistory Model
Chapter 4 Geothermal History Model
Chapter 5 Hydrocarbon Generation History Model
Chapter 6 Hydrocarbon Expulsion History Model
Chapter 7 Hydrocarbon Migration-accumulation History Model
Chapter 8 Parameter Sensitivity and Risk Analyses of Basin Modeling
Chapter 9 Integrated Analysis and Evaluation on Petroleum Resources
Chapter 10 Basin Modeling Software Technology
Table of Unit Conversion
Answers to all Exercises of the Book
