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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术无线电电子学、电信技术数字通信(第三版)



定 价:¥58.00

作 者: (美) John G.Proakis
出版社: 电子工业出版社
标 签: 通信技术 综合


ISBN: 9787505348851 出版时间: 1999-02-01 包装:
开本: 850*1168 1/32 页数: 928 字数:  






1  Introduction
1-1  Elements  of  a Digital Communication System
1-2  Communication Channels and Their Characteristics
1-3  Mathematical Models for  Communication Channels
1-4  A Historical Perspective in the Development of Digital  Communications
1-5  Overview of the Book
2  Probability and Stochastic Processes
2-1 Probability
2-1-1  Random Variables,Probability Distributions,and Probablity Densities
2-1-2  Functions of  Random Variables
2-1-3  Statistical Averages of Random Variables
2-1-4  Some Useful Probability Distributions
2-1-5  Upper bounds on the Tail Probability
2-1-6  Sums of Random Variables and the Central Limit Theorem
2-2  Stochastic Processes
2-2-1  Statistical Avergaes
2-2-2  Power Density Spectrum
2-2-3  Response of  a Linesr Time -Invariant System to a Random input Signal
2-2-4  Samppling Theorem for Band -Linmited Stochastic Processes
2-2-5  Discrete -Time Stochastic Signals and Systems
2-2-6  Cyclostationary Processes
2-3  Bibliographical Notes and References Problems
3  Source Clding
3-1  Mathematical Models for Information
3-2  A Logarithmic Measurd of Information
3-2-1  Average Mutual Information and Entropy
3-2-2  Information Measures for Continuous Random Variables
3-3  Coding for Discrete Sources
3-3-1  Coding for  Discrete Memoryless Sources
3-3-2  Discrete Stationary Sources
3-3-3  The Lemple-Ziv Alogrithm
3-4  Coding for Analog Sources -Optimum Quantization
3-4-1  Rate -Distortion Function
3-4-2  Scalar Quantization
3-4-3  Vector Quantixation
3-5  Coding Techniques for Analog Sources
3-5-1  Temporal Waveform Coding
3-5-2  Spectral Waveform Coding
3-5-3  Model -Based Source Coding
3-6  Bibliographical Notes and References
4  Characterization of Communication Signals and Systems
4-1  Representation of Bandpass Signals and Systems
4-1-1  Representation of Bandpass Signals
4-1-2  Representation of Linear Bandpass Systems
4-1-3  Response of a Bandpass System to a Bandpass Signal
4-1-4  Representation of Bandpass Staionary Stochastic Processes
4-2  Signal Space Representation
4-2-1  Vector Space Concepts
4-2-2  Signal Space Concepts
4-2-3  Orthogonal Expansions of Singnals
4-3  Representation of Digitally Modulated Signals
4-3-1  memory less modulation Methods
4-3-2  Linear Modulation with Memory
4-3-3  Nonlinear Modulation Methods with Memory
4-4  Spectral Characteristics of Digitally Modulated Signals
4-4-1  Power Spectra of Linearly Mldulated Siognals
4-4-2  Power Spectra of CPFSK and CPM Signals
4-4-3  Power Spectra of Modulated Signals with memory
4-5  Bibliographical Notes and References
5  Optimum Receivers for the Additive White Gaussian Noise Channel
5-1  Optimum Receiver for Signals Corrupted by AWGN
5-1-1  Correlation Demodulator
5-1-2  Matched -Filter Demodulator
5-1-3  The Optimum Detector
5-1-4  The Maximum-Likelihood Sequence Detector
5-1-5   A Symblo-by-Symbol MAP Detector for Signals with Memory
5-2  Performance of the Optimum Receiver for Memoryles Modulation
5-2-1  Probability of Error for Binary Dodulation
5-2-2  Probability of Error for M-ary Orthogonal Signals
5-2-3  Probability of Error for M-ary Biorthogonal Signals
5-2-4  Probability of Error for M-ary Simples Signals
5-2-5  Probability of Error for M-ary Binary-Coded signals
5-2-6  Probability of Error for M-ary PAM
5-2-7  Probability of Error for M-ary PSK
5-2-8  Differential PSK (DPSK) and its Performance
5-2-9  Probability of Error for QAM
5-2-10  Comparison of Digital Modulation Methods
5-3  Optimum Receiver for Cpm Signals
5-3-1  Optimum demodulation an dDetection of CPM
5-3-2  Performance of CPM Signals
5-3-3  Symbol -by*Symbol detection of CPM Signals
5-4  Optimum Receiver for Signals with Random Phase in AWGN Channel
5-4-1  Optimum Demodulation an dDetection of Signals
5-4-2  Optimum Receiver for  M-ary Orthogonal Signals
5-4-3  Probability of Error for envelope Detection of    M-aary Orthogonal Signals
5-4-4  Probability of  Error Envelope Dtection of Correlated Binary Signals
5-5  Regenerative Repeaters and Link Budget Analysis
5-5-1  Regenerative Repeaters
5-5-2  communication Link Budget Anylysis
5-6  Bibliographical Notes and References
6  Crrier and Symbol Synchronization
6-1  Signal Parameter Estimation
6-1-1  The Like lihood function
6-1-2  Carrier Recovery and Symbol Synchronization in Signal Demodulation
6-2  Signal Parameter Estimation
6-1-2  Carrier Recovery and Symbol Synchronization in signal Demodulation
6-2  Carrier Phase Estimation
6-2-1  Maximim-Likelihood Carrier Phase Estimation
6-2-2  The Phase -Locked Loop
6-2-3  Effect of Additive Noise on th ePhase Estimate
6-2-4  Decision-Diredted Loops
6-2-5  Non-Decision -Directed Loops
6-3  Symbol Timing Estimation
6-3-1  Maximum -Lilelihood Timing Estimation
6-3-2  Non-Decision-Directed Timing Estimation
6-4  Joint Estimation of Carrier Phase and Symbol Timing
6-5  Performance Characterisitics of ML Estimators
6-6  Bibliographical Notes and References
7  Channel Capacity and Coding
7-1  Channel Models and Channel Capacity
7-1-1  Channel Models
7-1-2  Channel Capacity
7-1-3  Achieving Channel Capacity with Orthogonal Signals
7-1-4  Channel rliability Functions
7-2  Random Selection of Codes
7-2-1  Random Coding Based on M-ary binary -Coded Sjignals
7-2-2  Rjandom Coding Based on M-ary Multiamplitude Signals
7-2-3  Comparison of Ro with the Capacity of th eAWGN channel
7-3  Communication System Design Based on the Cutoff Rate
7-4 Bibliographical Notes and References
8  Block and Convllutional Channel Codes
8-1  Linear Block Codes
8-1-1  The Generator Matrix and the Parity Check Matrix
8-1-2  Some Specific Linear Block Cldes
8-1-3  Cyclic Cldes
8-1-4  Optimum Sjoft-Decision Decoding of Linear Block Codes
8-1-5  Hard -Decision Decoding
8-1-7  Bounds on Minimum distance of Linear Block Codes
8-1-8  Nonbinary Block Cjodes and Concatenated Block Codes
8-1-9  Interleaving of Coded Data for Channels with Burst Errors
8-2  Convolutional Codes
8-2-1  The Transfer Function of a Convolutional Code
8-2-2  Optimum Decoding of Cjonvolutional Codes-The Viterbi Algorithm
8-2-3   Probability of Error for Soft-Decision Decoding
8-2-4   Probability of Error  Hard-Decision Decoding
8-2-5  Distance Properties of Binary Convolutional Codes
8-2-6  Nonbinary Dual-k Codes and Concatenated Codes
8-2-7  Other Decoding Alogorithms for Convolutional Codes Convolutional Codes
8-3  Coded Modulation fro Bandwidth-Constrained Channels
8-4  Bibliographical Notes and References
9  Signal Design for Band-Limtited Channels
9-1  Characterization of Band-Limited Channels
9-2  Signal Design for Band -Limited Channels
9-2- l  Design for Band -Limited Signals for No Intersymbol Interference-The Nyquist Criterion
9-2-2  Design of Band--Limited Signals with Cjontrolled ISI-Partial -Response Signal
9-2-3  Data Detection for controlled ISI
9-2-4  Signal Design for Channels with Distortion
9-3  Probability of Error in Detection of PAM
9-3-1  Probibilty of Error for Detection of PAM with Zero ISI
9-3-2  Probibilty of Error for Detection of Partial -Response Signals
9-3-3  Probability of Error for Optimum Signals in Channel with Distortion
9-4  Modulation codes for Sjpectrum Shaping
9-5  Bibliographical Notes and References
10  Communication through Band-Limited Linear Filter Channels
10-1  Optimum Receiver for Channels with ISI an dAWGN
10-1-1  Optimum Maximum-Likelihood Receiver
10-1-2  A Discrete -time Model for a Channel with ISI
10-1-3  The Viterbi Alorithm for the Discrete -Time White Noise Filter Model
10-1-4  Performance of MLSE for Channels with ISI
10-2  Linear Equalization
10-2-1  Peak Distortion Criterion
10-2-2  Mean Square Error(MSE) Criterion
10-2-3  Performance Characteristics of th MSE Equalizer
10-2-4  Fractionally Spaced Equalizer
10-3  Decision -Feedback Equalization
10-3-1  Coefficient Optimization
10-3-2  Performance Characteristics of DFE
10-3-3  Predictive Decision-Feedback Equalize
11  Adaptive Equalization
11-1  Adaptive Linear Equalizer
11-1-1  The Zero -Rorcing Algorithm
11-1-2  The LMX algorithm
11-1-3  Convergence Properties of the LMS Algorithm
11-1-4  Excess MSE Due to Noisy Gradient Estimates
11-1-5  Baseband and Passband Linear EQualizers
11-2  Adaptive Decision-Feedback Equalizer
11-2-1  Adaptive Quqlization of Trellis -Coded Signals
11-3  An Adaptive Channel Estimator for ML Sequence Detection
11-4  Recusive Least -Squares Alogrithms for Adaptive Equalization
11-4-1  Recursive Least-Squares(Kalman )Alogorithm
11-4-2  Linear Prediction an dthe Lattice Filter
11-5  Self -Recovering(Blind) Equalization
11-5-1  Blind Equalization Based on Maxmum-Likelihood Criterion
11-5-2  Stochastic Gradient Alogorithms
11-5-3  Blind Equalization Algorithms Based on Second-and Higher-Order Signal Statistics
11-6  Bibliographical Notes and Referencs
12  Multichannel and Multicarrier Systems
12-1  Multichannel Digital Communication in AWGN Channels
12-1-1  Binary Signals
12-1-2 M-ary Orthogonal Signals
12-3  Bibiliographical Notes and References
13  Spread Sjpectrum Signals for Digital Communications
13-1  Model of Spread Spectrum Digital Communication System
13-2  Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Signals
13-2-1  Error Rate Performance of the Decoder
13-2-2  Some Applications of DS Spread Spectrum Signals
13-2-3  Effect of Pulsed Interference on DS Spread Sjpecturm Systems
13-2-4  Generation of PN Sequences
13-3  Frequency -Hoppped Spread Spectrum Signals
13-3-1  Performance of FH Spread Spectrum Signals in AWGN Channel
13-3-2  Performance of FH Spead Speftrum Signals in  Partial-Band Interference
13-3-3  A CDMA System Based on FH Spread Spectrum Signals
13-4  Other Types of Sjpead Spectrum Signals
13-5 Synchronization of Spead Spectrum Signals
13-6  Bibliographical Notes and References
14  Digital Communication thjrough Fading Multipath Channels
14-1  Charatcterization of Fading Multipath Channels
14-1-1  Channel Correlation Functions and Power Spectra
14-1-2  Statistical Models ofr Fading Channels
14--3  The Effect of Characteristics on the Choice of a Channel Model
14--4  Frequency -Nonselective,Slowly Fading Channel
14-4-1  Binary Signals
14-4-2  Multiphase Sinals
14-4-3  M-ary Orthogonal Signals
14-5  Digital Signaling over a Frequency-Selective,Slowly Fading Channel
14-5-1  A Tapped-Delay -Line Channel Model
14-5-2  The RAKE Demodulator
14-5-3  Performance of RAKEm Receiver
14-6  Coded Wavefrms for Fading Channels
14-6-1 Probability of Error for Soft-Decistion Decoding of Liear Binary Block Codes
14-6-2  Probility of Error for Jard-Decision Dcoding of Linear Binary Block Codes
14-6-3  Upper Bound on the Performance of Convolutional Codes for a Raleigh Fading Channel
14-6-4  Use of Constant -Weight Codes and Concatenated Codes fro a Fading Channel
14-6-5  System Design Based on the Cutoff Rate
14-6-6  Trellis -Coded Modulation
14-7  Biliographica Notes and References
15  Multiuser Cjommunications
15-1  Introduction to Multiple Access Techniques
15-2  Capacity of Multiple Access Methods
15-3  Code-Division Multiple Access
15-3-1  CDMA Signal and Channel Models
15-3-2  The Optimum Receiver
15-3-3  Suboptimumu Detectors
15-3-4  Performance Characteristics of Detectors
15-4  Random Access Methods
15-4-1  ALOHA System and Protoclos
15-4-2  Carrier Sense Systems adn Protocols
15-5  Bibliographical Notes and References

Appendix A The Levinson -Durbin Algorithm
Appendis ErrorProbability for Multichannel Binary Signals

Appendix C Error Probabilities for Adaptive Reception   of M-phase Signals
C-1  Mathematical Model for an M-phase Signaling Communications Systerm
C-2  Characteristic Function and Probabilty Density Function of the Phase
C-3 Error Probabilties for Slowly Rayleigh Fading Channels
C-4  Error Probabilities for Time-Invariant and Ricean Fading Channels
Appendix D Square-Root Factorization
References and Bibliography
