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定 价:¥32.00

作 者: 巨人学校全国英语考研中心 编
出版社: 中国石化出版社
标 签: 英语与其他外语 综合


ISBN: 9787802292604 出版时间: 2007-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 0开 页数: 144 字数:  


  由巨人学校国际英语教研中心组织编写的《剑桥少儿英语同步辅导教程》的正式出版,是一件十分可喜、特别可贺、尤其可赞的大事。可喜的是巨人少儿英语教学精华得到了一次展现,可贺的是丰富了《剑桥少儿英语》的辅助教材,可赞的是巨人学校为全国少年儿童学英语奉献了一份厚礼。《剑桥少儿英语同步辅导教程》有两个突出特点:其一,围绕教材,为每个单元配一套讲解和练习题,方便学生、教师和家长进行有效的考前复习;其二,复习巩固新单词及短语,精析语法,强化听力和阅读,提高学生的英语能力。巨人学校国际英语教研中心精心设计,集巨人百名英语优秀教师多年经验,完成了这套集重点、配题、检测于一体的《剑桥少儿英语同步辅导教程》,这是对《剑桥少儿英语》走进中国做出的一个重要贡献。目前,巨人30000名少儿英语学员中,有1 5000名学的是剑桥少儿英语,他们在课堂上互动活跃、如鱼得水,在生活中学用结合、雏燕学飞,.在舞台上说唱表演、活灵活现,在考场里信心百倍、应对如流,巨人学校也因此蝉联七届“剑桥优秀培训机构”的荣耀。我相信,《剑桥少儿英语同步辅导教程》的使用,巨人剑桥少儿英语教学还会更上一层楼, 巨人剑桥少几英语学员还会跃上新龙门!




 Unit 1 What was the weather like yesterday?
 Unit 2 What is your favorite season?
 Unit 3 When did Bob get up yesterday?
 Unit 4 You look better today!
 Unit 5 Who was the best?
 Unit 6 We can see with our eyes.
 Unit 7 What will you do if you are hungry?
 Unit 8 A happy family.
 Unit 9 A short play
 Unit 10 What do you like to wear?
 Unit 11 How far is it?
 Unit 12 Our school life.
 Unit 13 In the library.
 Unit 14 My birthday is in January
 Unit 15 Let's talk about our holidays
 Unit 16 What's for dinner?
 Unit 17 Sports and health.
 Unit 1 Shall we go to the zoo?
 Unit 2 What were you doing at 7 yesterday evening?
 Unit 3 What do you usually do at this time?
 Unit 4 Do you like your job?
 Unit 5 Where have you been?
 Unit 6 In the post office.
 Unit 7 Fun with the numbers.
 Unit 8 It might be in my pocket.
 Unit 9 Let's play and act!
 Unit 10 What's it called?
 Unit 11 It looks like my book.
 Unit 12 What' s that made of ?
 Unit 13 How tall are you?
 Unit 14 If it's sunny I'll go swimming.
 Unit 15 What's your house like?
 Unit 16 He has won the first place!
 Unit 17 I love reading stories.
